Goals and Objectives


We are an unapologetically rigorous, foundationally Christian clinical psychology doctoral program dedicated to serving the underserved and the Church in a manner consistent with Biblical justice dedicated to the holistic development of our students.



We aspire to meet our mission by preparing students to become competent, compassionate, and self-aware health service psychologists who are skilled in the delivery of direct services, knowledgeable about current empirical and theoretical developments, able to integrate scientific knowledge with clinical practice, capable of designing and critically evaluating clinical services, culturally competent and able to assume leadership positions in clinical settings and the Church grounded in, informed by and shaped by beliefs and practices of the Christian faith.



Profession-wide competencies

  1. To develop clinical skills in the integration of clinical practice and research
    1. Students will nurture an approach to training and practice with personal and professional self-awareness and reflection. [PROFESSIONALISM]
    2. Students will relate effectively and meaningfully with individuals, groups, and communities using interpersonal and expressive skills. [RELATIONAL]
    3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of professional ethical and legal issues and show awareness and application of ethical decision-making. [PROFESSIONALISM]
    4. Students will learn to comport themselves with integrity and responsibility which reflects the values of psychology and contributes to the professional identity as a clinical psychologist and demonstrate empathic understanding for human suffering. [PROFESSIONALISM]
    5. Students will develop skills to assess and diagnose problems of individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds with the use of assessment methods and formulate effective case conceptualizations. [APPLICATION]
    6. Students will gain knowledge of theories of intervention and demonstrate ability to apply appropriate, culturally sensitive evidence-based interventions to alleviate suffering and promote well-being of individuals and groups. [APPLICATION]
    7. Students will be able to demonstrate basic knowledge and utilization of supervision models and practices. [PROFESSIONALISM and EDUCATION]

  2. To develop competency in clinical research and scholarship
    1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of scientific foundations of general areas of psychology and clinical practice. [SCIENCE]
    2. Students will demonstrate ability to effectively engage in and critique scholarship that contributes to psychological knowledge and clinical practice. [SCIENCE]

  3. To develop individual and systemic diversity competencies
    1. Students will demonstrate an awareness of self and diverse others as shaped by culture, society and apply this awareness toward effective work with underserved persons and communities. [PROFESSIONALISM]
    2. Students will exhibit awareness and skills in targeting the impact of social, political, economic or cultural factors necessary to advocate in order to promote change. [SYSTEMS]
    3. Students will demonstrate awareness of the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration and the skills to respectfully and productively collaborate with professionals from diverse disciplines. [SYSTEMS]

Program-specific competencies

  1. To develop integrative capacity and ability for the integration of clinical practice and Christian faith
    1. Students will demonstrate foundational knowledge of Christian theology and current models of integration.
    2. Students will articulate a personal process of integration of psychology and Christian faith.
    3. Students will apply integration of psychology and Christian faith to clinical practice in order to enhance human welfare as a means of biblical justice.

[i] Corresponding Competency Benchmark in Professional Psychology cluster in [brackets]