Course Descriptions

The course work for this program may include the following course offerings. 

Mission Core 

EVAN 526. Gospel: Theological Perspectives on Evangelism and Renewal. Examines the gospel as the good news of God’s inaugurated kingdom, with a focus on the centrality of Jesus’ death and resurrection as interpretive center. Investigates the dynamic of the spread of this good news throughout Scripture and history. Explores more recent movements of renewal and revival in relation to issues of evangelism and social transformation. (4) 
EVAN 542. Church: Movements and Models. Explores different paradigms and models of church, paying special attention to the most recent emerging missional movements and their characteristics, impact and trajectory.  Includes field trip visits and guest lecturers representing various existing models of churches and ministries.  Assesses ministries using a number of different evaluative tools that are widely used. Fee $30. (4) 
EVAN 545. Culture: Emerging and Global. Explores the shape of ministry and evangelism in postmodern, post-Christendom and globalizing cultures. Examines popular culture in the U.S. as a key context for ministry and a critical influence around the world.  Reframes evangelism, apologetics, preaching, healing, and discipleship in relation to the significant cultural shifts that are occurring. (4) 

Bible and Theology Core

BITH 534. Old Testament Introduction.  Pentateuch: Primeval and patriarchal history. God's sovereign rule as Creator and the choice and development of Israel as his special people. A study of the relationship between law and covenant and of Israel as a worshiping community. Prophets and Prophecy: A study of the phenomenon of prophecy in ancient Israel, in its theological and cultural settings. In addition to the critical issues, the major prophets will be examined and their message and theology studied as part of the mainstream of the prophetic movement. (4) 

BITH 555. Exploring the New Testament. The course introduced the student to the life and teachings of Jesus, the development of the early church. Pauline and general letters, and the book of Revelation. The focus is on the biblical story and theology, and historical and cultural backgrounds in scriptural interpretations. (4) 
BITH 565. Christian Theology.  An introduction to the methods of systematic theology and the major topics within the biblical revelation. Special attention is given to the rationale for these Christian doctrines, their systematic interconnections as well as their development within the history of Christian thought, and their contemporary challenges. (4) 
BITH 566. Foundations for Biblical Interpretation.  A survey of the principles, methods, and issues of biblical and theological interpretation in the past and present. Intended for students in non-theological disciplines, as well as for those in Biblical and Theological studies who have limited theological preparation. (4) 

Ministry Leadership Core

MIN 547. Preaching. This course lays the biblical and theological foundations for preaching and develops preaching skills with an emphasis on faithfulness, contextualization and mission, clarity and structural soundness, and spiritual power. The theological, conceptual, and practical role of media, drama, the arts, metaphor, and symbol will also be explored. (2)

MIN 558. Personal Leadership in Ministry. Explores dimensions of personal leadership development and competencies. Overviews Biblical foundations and spiritual disciplines for effective and God centered leadership. Uses various personality, temperament and assessment tools and examines developmental perspectives on leadership over the lifespan. (4)  

MIN 559. Organizational and Change Leadership in Ministry. Explores models and principles of change leadership, leading organizations, building teams, handling conflict, and fostering entrepreneurial environments within a ministry setting.  Examines the leadership literature on these issues. Utilizes case studies and group experiences. (4) 
MIN 561. Congregational Leadership: Worship, Discipleship, and Care. In various ways, congregational culture affects the shaping of the identity, mission and formation of all local churches. In this course, we will seek to define, exegete, and evaluate congregational culture in order to identity helpful leadership approaches for worship, discipleship, and pastoral care that can support congregational formation and mission.(4) 
MIN 692. Comprehensive Exam. Prerequisite: submission of Candidacy form. Fee $75. Graded pass/fail. (0)