Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) FAQs
Our flexible learning course structure allows students to stay in their ministry positions and context while earning their degree. Additionally, this structure enables students to immediately apply their learning to their current ministry context.
The courses are a hybrid/modular format which means that the beginning of the semester starts online with introductory reading and assignments, then continues with a 5-day on-campus intensive, and finishes with papers and/or projects for the remainder of the semester. Students in a doctor of ministry cohort complete the program by coming to campus for these hybrid/modular courses two weeks per year, generally one week in spring and one week in fall.
While here for an intensive, students find their own accommodations and transportation and attend class from 8:30am-5:30pm each day. Students have the opportunity to enjoy the Wheaton campus and the Wheaton area. Students can visit the Billy Graham Museum, see the C.S. Lewis wardrobe at the Wade Center, or attend on campus sports or arts events while enjoying time with the other students in their cohort.
It takes three years to finish the coursework for the D.Min. The doctoral project can be started during or after the coursework phase. Students work at their own pace to complete the doctoral project. Students can expect to finish within three and a half to five years.
No, we do not require biblical languages, but we assume that most applicants with an M.Div. will have taken Greek and/or Hebrew. Students who apply with an M.A. are not required to have taken biblical languages.
Students must have a master’s degree in Bible, theology, or a ministry-related field. Students entering the D.Min. must have a foundation in the Bible (both the Old Testament and the New Testament), Christian theology, and biblical interpretation. If you have questions about whether your M.A. degree and coursework qualifies for entrance into D.Min. program, you may contact the D.Min. Program Manager.
Current tuition rates are listed here. All D.Min. students receive a 15% scholarship applied to the listed tuition rates as long as they progress through the program in their cohort.
Married couples receive an additional 25% scholarship if both individuals are enrolled in the D.Min. degree program.
Please note: Any prerequisite courses required and taken before starting the DMin program do not qualify for the 15% scholarship.
While we expect many in our D.Min. degree program will be serving in a pastoral role, it is not required. All students are required to be actively serving in a ministry role, but students may come from a variety of contexts and leadership positions. The curriculum is broad and will be useful for people in a variety of ministry settings.
Each class requires 2000-2500 pages of reading, 50 hours of instruction during the intensive week and online, and 25-35 pages of writing. Students can expect to spend 8-10 hours per week on coursework throughout the semester, including course reading, assignments, and papers.