Stephanie Gilsenan- Change from the Inside Out

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Adventurous Thinking

Stephanie Gilsenan- Change from the Inside Out

By: Stephanie Gilsenan '21

Before I set foot on campus my freshman year, multiple alumni told me that “Wheaton shapes you as a whole person”. This influenced me to apply to Wheaton, but at the same time, I remember thinking that this sounded too good to be true. Three years into my Wheaton education, I’ve found it could not be more true.

While I have learned so much from in class experiences at Wheaton, it is the time outside of class that has shaped me. The Wheaton experience touches on your emotional, social, and Christian development just as much as your academic maturity.

My involvement in DSG (Discipleship Small Groups) has been just one way that my time at Wheaton has grown me into a new person. From participating in a small group my freshman year to coaching small group leaders my junior year, I have been surrounded by people that kindly challenge me to be more vulnerable, act more like Christ, and sacrifice more of myself at a level that I have not experienced anywhere else. As I get filled with God’s Word each week during small groups, I am challenged to become a better version of myself by both the Word of the Lord and my small group (pictured below).

Thanks to the emphasis that Wheaton places on whole-person development, I have grown exponentially during my time here. While many colleges offer strong academic programs, Wheaton is the only school that will transform you from the inside out, preparing you to enter and change the world.

Interested in spiritual life at Wheaton? Here's more info for you! 

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