Philip Kwong - Pastoral Ministry and Sales

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Future Focused

Philip Kwong '20- Pastoral Ministry and Sales

By: Meghan Kwong '23

Expecting to graduate with a practical degree on the path to a well-paying job, I entered Wheaton as a Nursing major. After one semester, I felt the Lord calling me to be a pastor, and I switched my major to Christian Formation and Ministry. Following graduation, I got a job in sales to experience faith lived out in the marketplace, so that I can later guide people in the church. I landed a well-paying job out of college still pursuing something I’m passionate about, and I attribute my success to what I’ve learned at Wheaton. A liberal arts education teaches you how to be a holistic person, and the key is making the most out of that opportunity. If you can take what you learn in class and apply it to your life, you set yourself apart as someone who is eager to be present and learn. Who wouldn’t hire someone like that? 

I’ve also found that networking is important. A Wheaton alumnus who connected me to my first job. There is so much wisdom to learn from those around you; you can only improve yourself by heeding their advice. At Wheaton’s Center for Vocation and Career, I received wise encouragement from my career counselor. He emphasized the importance of my identity and individual strengths and helped me be more confident in the person God created me to be. Remember that God promises to provide. Put your trust in Him and enjoy the process of learning and becoming.

Want to learn more about Wheaton's CVC? Here's more info for you! 

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