Nah Lee - My Connection to Wheaton

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Future Focused International Student Programs

Nah Lee '23 - My Connection to Wheaton

By: Shula Hui '23

I did not expect to decide on Wheaton for my college, but after much research and reflection I realized that the Wheaton community would fit me and my goals the best. There were, for example, similarities between Wheaton and the school I graduated from, a Christian private high school. I enjoyed being surrounded by Christian people who helped grow my faith and being part of a small community, which Wheaton offers as well.

I talked with my parents about wanting to choose a university in the States and living there after college, since I moved to America in the middle of my freshman year from South Korea. My transition from Korea took time, so I knew an encouraging, familiar community would be important in college. When I was in public school in New Jersey, one of the biggest challenges I faced was making new friends. I found barely any international students. It made adjusting hard. 

When I visited Wheaton in the summer I was excited to meet three Korean students; I had never gone to a school with lots of Koreans, and talking to these friendly students made me feel welcomed by the international community. I connected with people in the International Student Programs (ISP) who support students from different countries. The connections I made helped me choose Wheaton as a place that would prepare me for a career, provide a strong network, and allow me to invest in a community for the future.

Want to learn more about International Student Programs? Here's more info for you! 

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