Leonora Owsley - To Wheaton and Beyond

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Future Focused Choosing a Major Graduate School

Leonora Owsley - To Wheaton and Beyond

By: Leonora Owsley '22

When I applied to Wheaton, I knew that I would have to follow my undergraduate experience with grad school. I have always wanted to pursue careers that require grad degrees; of all the schools I applied to, Wheaton was the college most able to help me define and solidify my goals.  

Every student applying to Wheaton has an array of choices for post-undergraduate studies, and advisors are passionate about helping students understand their options and choose wisely. When I was considering law school, I was able to schedule meetings with the advisor for students on track for law. He helped me pick the best classes for my intended trajectory and find more information on potential grad programs. I did the same when I wanted to learn more about counseling, psychiatry, and medicine. For each of my questions, I received attentive answers from professors and peers who showed me how to make my goals attainable. Every student applying to Wheaton has an array of choices laid out before them, and God can and will expertly use whatever college experience He has planned. I am thankful that God’s plan for me was Wheaton, where in the midst of all my questions I have found peace knowing I am in good hands. 

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