Laurel Bacote - You Don’t Have to Neglect Other Interests

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Adventurous Thinking

Laurel Bacote - You Don’t Have to Neglect Other Interests

Laurel Bacote laughing while holding colored pencilsAs a creative who enjoys multiple art forms, Wheaton has been a wonderful place for me. When I visited colleges during high school, I compared their visual arts programs. However, the more I did theater, the more I realized I wanted to perform long term. While I knew I wanted to attend Wheaton, I prayed God would show me what I should study. There was no marker for when I knew what decision to make, but it gradually came to me, and I felt at peace. I ultimately majored in Communication with a Theater concentration because I realized I hesitated whenever my dad mentioned to somebody I was planning on majoring in art. I subconsciously knew that I wanted to major in theater more than art, despite loving both. While I haven't taken any art classes yet, I registered for graphic design this fall, and I’m excited to get reacquainted with one of my other fields of interest. Attending a liberal arts college has made it possible to take classes I enjoy outside of my major. While I’m not sure which art form I’ll employ most in the future, I am thankful that at Wheaton I can dabble in more than one. When you choose your major, you may have to pick what’s most important to you, but you don’t have to neglect your other interests thanks to the variety of opportunities Wheaton’s liberal arts education can offer you.

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