James Graham-You’re Not in Kansas Anymore

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Adventurous Thinking

James Graham-You’re Not in Kansas Anymore

By: James Graham '22

As a Wheaton student, you can expect quite a bit, because--and this really is good news-- quite a bit will be expected of you.  As a freshman, I had several “you’re not in Kansas anymore” moments; one was in my calculus class.  Although I’d never considered myself a math savant, I wasn’t exactly deficient in that area either.  But this class put me through my strides: a rigorous daily allotment of problem sets, a brisk class pace, and large numbers of obviously gifted classmates made for an environment where my focus was tested and my capabilities were stretched thin.  But it was extremely rewarding, not least because everyone wanted you to win. From the prof to the teaching assistant to the study groups, there was a camaraderie that pushed me (and pulled me when necessary) to succeed.  Lectures were well prepared and overflowed with multiple ways to solve any problem.  Student assistants modeled generosity in their time and genuine joy when any of us had the “aha” moment.  Fellow students bent their schedules and radiated such a team spirit (not least with stress-relieving humor) that everyone, no matter how tired and wrung out they were, believed we’d master the material and go on to greater moments.  And here’s the thing. This story could have been told about any number of my other classes, my club, and athletic experiences, my service and ministry choices, practically any area of my Wheaton life. Why? Because at Wheaton, every aspect of your life will demand much of you. It’s true. But that really is good news. Because every area of your life at Wheaton will have a plethora of people giving much to you, to begin with. And that is a recipe for producing kingdom servant-leaders for any situation.  

Want to get a taste for a Wheaton lecture? Watch a Tower Talk

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