Eli Ouoba - How Wheaton Has Invested in Me

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Future Focused

Eli Ouoba '23 - How Wheaton Has Invested in Me

As a high school senior, I had two main criteria for choosing a college: a strong education that would prepare me for a career and the opportunity to graduate debt-free. By God's grace, my top choice, Wheaton College, answered both of my prayers.

At Wheaton, I have learned and developed skills that prepare me for a successful career in either music or computer science. For example, music pedagogy class has inspired my interest in teaching music privately, and I anticipate using those skills in the future to teach piano and drum lessons to kids. I have also met with my professors in the Conservatory to learn more about performance and teaching. In my challenging Linear Algebra course, I have explored the abstract math utilized in computer science and learned to apply these concepts to projects. Through the Center for Vocation and Career, I have learned important skills, including professional resume building and effective business communication. 

Wheaton College has greatly contributed to my future in terms of financial aid by meeting both my full cost of tuition and attendance! I am grateful to the staff of Student Financial Services, including my adviser, Sue Mielke, who has helped make the process smooth and answer any questions I have. I am also grateful to the many Wheaton alumni who donate to make stories like mine possible.

Thank you, Wheaton College, for helping me prepare for the future!

Want to learn more about cost and financial aid at Wheaton? Here's more info for you! 

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