Anne Wiebe - Social Life in STEM

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Relationship-Oriented

Anne Wiebe - Social Life in STEM

It was not easy to decide on a major. Most of the adults I knew were missionaries like my parents, but I did not see myself following in their footsteps. A couple summers ago, I went to an engineering camp that excited my interest for STEM subjects. At the same time, I could not rule out my love of literature and writing, with the secret desire to become an English major. I chose Wheaton for its Liberal Arts program that would give me a well-rounded education and allow time for my social life. In 2019 I came to Wheaton College, a nervous freshman, as an undeclared engineering major. As studies began and I spent more time with my classmates, I became more and more certain of my choice. The late nights spent laughing and solving problems together made difficult Physics problems seem fun. Hearing other students get excited over learning new concepts or chatting about old Science Center challenges gave me a deeper love for the subjects we were studying. One of my most memorable experiences was going to the Society of Women Engineers conference where I got to meet people in my field of study from all over the world. I even got to know one of my closest friends at that conference as we explored career fairs and seminars together. In talking to other Wheaton students, I learned that we all have many interests and that at Wheaton I could explore them all.

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