Anne Wiebe - Preparing For an Engineering Career

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Future Focused

Anne Wiebe - Preparing For an Engineering Career

By: Anne Wiebe '24

When I first chose Wheaton, I had no idea what to expect. I had decided to study engineering but didn’t know much more than that. I didn’t know any engineers, and I felt unprepared and a little lost. However, by the end of my first semester, I had already learned more than I could have imagined. Through my Engineering 101 class, I had the opportunity to hear from and personally talk to engineers from many different fields, and my professors themselves always encouraged me to ask about their professions. And, not only was Wheaton building my knowledge about engineering, but I was learning valuable lessons I could only receive through a liberal arts education. My courses taught me skills like communicating clearly, working well in a group, and integrating my faith into all aspects of my life. 

The best experience I had to prepare me for job-seeking and building a career was at the Women’s Engineering Conference in fall of 2019. Having never had a job before, or even done any networking, I was terrified, to say the least. But, the Center for Vocation and Career guided me through building a resume and preparing myself for the career fair. The conference ended and I left feeling that I was finally getting the knowledge and skills that would prepare me for my career.

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