Amanda Miller - Classmates? More Like Teammates!

Posted November 2, 2020 by Wheaton College
Tags: Future Focused Relationship-Oriented

Amanda Miller '22 - Classmates? More Like Teammates!

In the joyful chaos that was my first month or so at Wheaton, my most valuable help came from somewhere unexpected. Were my parents wonderful? Yes! Was the school administration informative? Of course! But my fellow classmates turned out to be my saving grace. Together, new and returning students formed study group chats, kept one another accountable for coursework, asked each other questions, and simply gave each other emotional support. I was pleasantly surprised by how organically we came together to help one another out. This was especially important for me as an incoming athlete and as someone bound for grad school. Due to commitments on the golf team, I missed classes at least once a week for various meets. I know that without the help of other students and the professors themselves, I would have struggled to understand and complete assignments correctly. It was such a comfort to know that all of us had similar struggles. I’ve found that at Wheaton, students are very competitive with our own selves, but not with those around us. In this way, Wheaton provides rigorous academics and a team atmosphere. Many classes require us to push ourselves, but the environment isn’t cutthroat. I knew I wanted challenging academics that prepare me for grad school for my undergrad degree, and Wheaton has allowed me to experience that and grow in a healthy way.

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