Commencement Update - Two Guests Allowed

Posted April 30, 2021 by Wheaton College Parent Engagement
Tags: Parent Announcements

Dear Parents of Graduating Seniors,

We write to inform you that the Centers for Disease Control released new public gathering guidance Tuesday that, alongside guidance from the Illinois Department of Health, will allow us to welcome two guests for each of our graduating seniors at our 2021 Commencement ceremonies—a plan coordinated with the City of Wheaton. While we are very grateful now to be able to accommodate guests, we truly regret that this late development may make it difficult for some of you to alter your plans in time to attend. Rest assured that we will still livestream Commencement.

All guests will need to meet at least one of two qualifying criteria: 1) you have received a complete COVID-19 Vaccination (at least two weeks prior to being on campus); 2) you have received a negative COVID–19 PCR test within 72 hours of the ceremony (after May 6). Unfortunately, if you are not able to demonstrate that you meet one of these criteria, you will not be permitted to attend Commencement.

Soon we will send you more specific details, including how to register for your two tickets to attend in person, provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 PCR test, as well as guidance for your time on campus before, during, and after the ceremony. Please be aware that masking will be required inside campus buildings and at Commencement.

We are grateful to God for this opportunity to bring parents or other guests to Commencement to celebrate with our graduates. We pray for good weather and a grand occasion for our graduates and their families, cheered on by our faculty.

In Christ’s service,

Philip Ryken