Beginning with Hope

Beginning with Hope

If you would like to have the following information as a card which can be downloaded and printed, you can do so at the following link. Faculty/Staff Care Card August 2020 (PDF)


We are all navigating unchartered territory.  Likewise, our students are dealing with sudden change in their academic outlook, social settings, planned campus activities, closure with relationships, living arrangements and events.  Students are uncertain about whether they will continue to be on campus fully or go remote in the future.  This is different for our campus community and presents different challenges, obstacles, as well as newfound opportunities. As we witnessed last school year, this unchartered territory has the potential to create anxiety, stress and emotional reactions of which will be new to many. Over the break, there were students who found themselves moving from home to home, unable to visit families due to the pandemic regulations, some unsure where they will live if the campus is fully remote and many who have experienced the loss of a friend or loved one.  There will be students beginning on campus for the first time, student transferring from other schools, returning from a leave of absence, and many seeking to travel with the Global Learning Programs.  This will be a time to welcome remote learners, in-person learners, and transfer students who are experiencing Wheaton for the first time and trying to figure it all out. Despite it all, we need to let them know They Got This!

Consider and Respond to Transitional Challenges

As this new year is filled with uncertainties as well as blessings, consider that we are all seeking to connect in some way.  Students are seeking a sense of normalcy and belonging.  Anxiety about our adjusted learning spaces, how to navigate campus expectations, and the real impact of COVID-19 on many individuals and families can manifest in a variety of ways.  There is an impact of stress on some students who are struggling financially to manage their needs due to decreased work opportunities.  There are students battling the uncertainties for how things will unfold as they seek to meet graduation requirements. During this season there are uncertainties, learning curves, relational challenges, remote options, excitement, and the joy of seeking to reach educational goals. Likewise, many are traveling from various places with varying COVID regulations and for many students they will have experienced the knowledge of family and or friends passing. For many, it will be their first time being away from the comforts of their family during this unprecedented time in our country. Consider how the unsettledness of these transitions has the potential to impact the student’s overall experience of our campus, the stability of their academic studiousness and their emotional and physical wellness.


Extend yourself to help our new and returning students feel connected to our community, with the vision of returning students back to in-person instruction on campus and freshmen student to their new home. Encourage students to seek medical support and visit Student Health Services when they are ill and to follow the COVID-19 quarantining processes. Remind students about various campus resources and the importance of social distancing to keep our community healthy. Inform them about these important dates: September 7th is the spring deadline to drop a course wihtout a W and the fall add/drop deadline is Setpember 28th is the last day to drop an A quad course with a W  or elect pass/fail.

Helpful tips for connecting with our students

Be AwareBe ProactiveBe Responsive and Connect
Be attentive to whether the student show signs of social disconnect, emotional distress, or unproductive academic behaviors that impede their success or hinders their retention.   Connect with students by acknowledging and normalizing the heightened need for care and compassion.
Report students’ academic inconsistencies or absences as soon as it presents itself.
Utilize the CARES Connection referral system to proactively help a student.
Invite Student Care Services to a meeting to share best practices for responding to challenging student concerns.
Connect as much as you are able with your students.
Seek creative ways to engage with your students and let them know you when you are concerned and encourage them to seek campus resources.

Care well for the student and yourself

  • Model healthy and social distant boundaries with students. 
  • Compassion does not mean allow the student to do things that place your mental health in jeopardy nor tear down the integrity of your course and the academic process/experience.
  • If you feel overwhelmed by a student’s shared circumstance, direct them to the offices on campus equipped to help them navigate those circumstances.
  • Remember we are collectively caring for our students. You are not alone; you have support from your Supervisors/Deans and Student Care Services.
  • If you are impacted by a student’s behavior, report it.

If you have concerns about a student, go to the Wheaton portal, click on the employee tab and submit a SCS CARES Referral form. If you have a question for Student Care Services, please contact us at 630-752-7472.