Discover how your Top 5 Strengths influence your life.
On a Saturday morning in March, the Center for Vocation and Career hosts What Are Your 5? (WAY5), an event all about self-discovery using CliftonStrengths.
First year students sign up for the event on their RA's door and are sent a link to complete the CliftonStrengths assessment. After completing the assessment, students receive their Top 5 strengths.
WAY5 is the next step in exploring what strengths mean, how they work, and understanding how a student's Top 5 influence their everyday life.
What Are Your 5 includes brunch, a competition between dorm floors, and over 40 upperclass student volunteers. Each upperclass volunteer represents one of the 34 CliftonStrengths, and first year students have time to mingle and meet the upperclass representatives and learn more about their own Top 5 strengths.
This is an event first year students do not want to miss!