Thunder Athletics
Is there more to victory than winning?
Do you just play to win? Or is being part of the team your way to build Christian character and connection? Our Division III athletes are fierce competitors. Our teams win championships, but we never lose sight of the bigger victory: shared praise and purpose for Christ and His Kingdom.
Learn more about Thunder Athletics at Wheaton
Check out Intramurals, Club Sports, and Wheaton's Chrouser Sports Complex

Spiritual Life
Carrying Our Faith Forward
Wheaton College is a distinctively Christian institution in all different aspects of campus life, including offering a variety of places of worship. Meeting in chapel three times a week, campus small groups, and the emphasis of integration of faith and learning in the classroom are just three very visible examples of the many ways that faith is at the heart of everything we do on campus.
Living Life Together
At Wheaton College, we believe that what happens in the classroom is just one aspect of the unique educational experience provided by living on campus. Residence Life at Wheaton seeks to form a Christian community guided by our Community Covenant, a community which includes everything from making a home together in campus housing to enjoying our award-winning campus dining together. Living on campus, whether in a residence hall or other college housing, will enhance your learning and growth outside the classroom in unique ways.
Kingdom Diversity
Growing to Understand Ourselves and Others
Wheaton is committed to promoting the full flourishing of students of diverse backgrounds, and provides opportunities for majority students to engage with issues of diversity. With resources such as the Office of Multicultural Development and the leadership of our Chief Intercultural Engagement Officer, our goal is to make Wheaton feel like home to students of every ethnicity.
Wheaties Form Deep Christian Friendships That Last a Lifetime
Hear from five friends from the class of 2007 about the impact of their friendship on their faith and and lives after college. Ready to meet the friends you'll keep for a lifetime? Apply to Wheaton today!
Explore Chicagoland

Campus Involvement
Traditions and annual events at Wheaton build campus community through fun and meaningful activities that create a common context of shared experiences.
The great variety of student clubs on Wheaton's campus offers many opportunities for students to collaborate with their peers who have like interests, hobbies, and passions.
Student leadership opportunities at Wheaton are diverse and plentiful! Find out how to lead a club, plan campus events, and much more.
Building Campus Community
Originally written in 1924 by Wheaton’s second president, Charles Blanchard, the Statement of Faith articulates Wheaton’s foundational Christian convictions that guide the integration of Christian faith, learning and living among the faculty, administration, staff and students. A link to a faculty video series explaining the importance of this statement is also included.
The Community Covenant equips the members of Wheaton College to apply the Statement of Faith’s foundational Christian convictions in our love for God and one another. Originally written in 1974 under Wheaton’s fifth president, Hudson Armerding, and revised in 2003 under Wheaton’s seventh president, Duane Litfin, the Community Covenant articulates a vision for responsible Christian freedom and dependence on God’s grace.
The Student Handbook seeks to provide clear policies and procedures that foster the implementation of the Community Covenant among students.
Student Wellness
Explore the many resources that Wheaton College has available in order to best care for our campus community.
Learning and Accessibility Services
LAS seeks to equip all students with the tools, strategies, and resources required to flourish during their time at Wheaton College. We aim to walk alongside you as you learn about yourself, discover how you learn best, and grow personally and academically.
Counseling Center
Wheaton College Counseling Center (WCCC) staff members are Christians who see their work to support and care for students as foundationally Christ-centered.
Student Health Services
Student Health Services is a Christ centered health team dedicated to developing and serving Wheaton College students, while recognizing their unique ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Student Care Services
One of the major tasks before you is to balance choices and involvement on-campus with your health and well being. We are here to help you navigate these challenges and to get you back on track.
Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention - Equity & Title IX Office
Wheaton is committed to creating a safe environment for students while simultaneously being prepared to respond to situations related to unlawful harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct if or when they arise.
Student Development Offices
Our Student Development division includes a number of different offices specializing in meeting the diverse needs of our campus.