Other Financial Aid Options
Wheaton Payment Plans
Wheaton offers convenient, interest free payment plans that divide semester costs into more manageable monthly installments.
Veteran's Benefits
Financial aid is available to veterans and their families through the G.I. Bill®, War Orphans Educational Law, and other programs. Widows and children of deceased veterans as well as spouses and children of totally disabled veterans are eligible for educational benefits. Further information can be secured from your local Veterans Administration Office. Students eligible to receive veterans benefits should complete the necessary forms in the Registrar's Office to certify enrollment to the Veterans Administration. Those expecting government checks are reminded that this aid may not be available for two to three months following application.
Information about Veteran's Benefits is handled by Student Financial Services. Please contact SFS at sfs@wheaton.edu.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Canadian Student Loans
Canadian students should check cooperating banks in their home provinces for further information.
Denominational Sources
Some denominations have scholarship and/or loan programs for students who are preparing for full-time Christian ministries. For further information, contact your denomination's headquarters.
Employee Education Benefits
Many companies have a tuition reimbursement program for their employees. Be sure to check with your company's Human Resources Department.
Employment Opportunities
The Wheaton area and surrounding areas offer numerous opportunities for employment. On-campus jobs are also available. The Center for Vocation and Career provides job listings for suitable part-time employment.
Federal Work Study
To be eligible for Federal Work Study (FWS), a student must submit a FAFSA. Once a student has an on-campus job, FWS will be awarded. The award amount is based on availability funding. Funding is limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Wages are then paid by the Federal government and paychecks are given directly to the student.
ETS GRE Fee Reduction Program
ETS provides a GRE Fee Reduction Program for individuals who demonstrate financial need.
Outside Scholarships and Resources
See our list of outside scholarships and resources available to graduate students.