Billy Graham Scholarship Program

Stellar Leaders

We are dedicated to advancing the global Christian community by providing opportunities for different types of Christian leaders from around the world to earn advanced training to enhance the ministry into which God has called them.

Since 1975, approximately 1,178 scholars have benefitted from the scholarship program, studying in every field at Wheaton College Graduate School and serving in about 119 countries of the world. Named after Wheaton's most famous alumnus, Dr. Rev. Billy Graham, '43, we pray that our scholars serve with passion, wisdom, and humility. Every year stellar leaders join this fraternity, perhaps you will be one.


Our selection is like Matthew 25

"Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much."



infographic-photo-2Your time at WCGS may be like John 15

"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he is it that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."




After graduation, we trust that you will be as in Matthew 5

"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."



Visit Our Scholarship Page

Begin your exploration of our scholarship opportunities by reading about the scholarships we offer here.

The scholarship application window is CLOSED. International ministry leaders and experienced missionaries may begin their inquiry after July 1.

Half a Century of Ministry

BGSP grads B and WThe year 2025 marks fifty years of the Billy Graham Scholarship Program. Celebrate with us all that God has done through this amazing ministry.


Announcing a New Scholarship

globe-jpeg-not-pngThe Billy Graham Scholarship Program is celebrating 50 years in 2025-26, so we are debuting a new Global Leader Scholarship!

To The Nations podcast graphicEngage in topics that really matter-To the Nations podcast

Inspiration and insights on relevant issues and events from front-line Billy Graham Scholar alumni deployed globally. 

Meet our Scholars

LilianaAllow us to introduce our currently enrolled scholars. You'll see the connection between their academic program of choice and their ministry. A link to meet scholar alum impacting the same geographic region is also available.

Have Questions?

 april-mclaughlinWhen you contact the Billy Graham Scholarship Program office, you reach April McLaughlin, Billy Graham Scholarship Program Coordinator. She is happy to answer questions and guide you through the inquiry and scholarship application process. 

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