HDI Alumna

Bibiana Pinto MacLeod M.A. '20

Bibiana Pinto MacLeod M.A. '20 Spotlight Image

I have been challenged, encouraged and informed during the past year with tons of new material and ideas from my professors, instructors and classmates. 
As a result, I was able to share with the organization I work with many of those lessons learned to improve the service we provide in the field and our organizational makeup. We have set up a self-care plan that leaders can share with their team members in the field, adding one specific question in our annual evaluations and a module of lessons on Psychological First Aid for churches and communities, as well as three new lessons on Spiritual Care during disasters. 
I know there is much more to learn, but I love to put into practice those things we discuss in class. I never thought this program would be so practical and applicable to my present work, and thank God for the opportunity to be part of it. I have also come to know wonderful servants of God in my classes, enriching relationships and my walk with Him.