Undergraduate Students

The Wheaton College Certificate in Early Christian Studies draws undergraduate students from a wide range of degree programs. Below is list of those who have completed or are currently completing the Certificate along with their degree program.

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Students enrolled in the capstone Patristic Theology course are involved in a unique, cooperative project between The Wheaton Center for Early Christian Studies and Fortress Press. Along with the professors, students work with, edit, and annotate original Patristic texts that are published by Fortress Press as part of the series.

Certificate in Early Christian Studies


  • Genevieve Austin (Biblical and Theological Studies)
  • David Choi (Biblical and Theological Studies)
  • Charlotte Hallstrom (Communication and Biblical and Theological Studies)
  • Judy Kim (Ancient Languages)
  • Gareth Leake (Biblical and Theological Studies)
  • Matthew Neumann (History and Biblical and Theological Studies)


  • Christabel Barry (English Writing)
  • Joshua Gaghan (Biblical and Theological Studies)
  • Andrew Limkeman (Biblical and Theological Studies)
  • Jillian Marcantonio (Biblical and Theological Studies)
  • Melanie Williams (English Writing)
  • Austin Wilson (Biblical and Theological Studies)


  • Kevin Burkett


  • Ella Myer
  • Jake Boer


  • Daniel Saunders (Communication)
  • David Strickler (Biblical and Theological Studies)