What We Do
We aim to further the educational, spiritual, and relational development of the Wheaton College community as elected servant leaders representing student initiative, concern, creativity, and enthusiasm. Student Government Association is the primary vehicle for all Wheaton students to get involved with the governance of the college.
Student Government Association Positions
The SGA Board consists of 12 elected positions that are split into the Executive Board, Administrative Cabinet, and Executive Vice Presidents. You can also be involved in SGA without being on the Board by working and serving on a committee alongside nearly 90 other appointed students.

Connect with Student Government Association
SGA wants to represent the student body well so we want every student's voice to be heard. Feel free to email us at student.government@my.wheaton.edu or join us for Board Meeting on Wednesdays from 3:45-5 pm in the Chicago Room in Lower Beamer!
Here you can find information on proposals, links to the Constitution and Bylaws, meeting minutes, and other resources you may find helpful.