Student Opportunities in Ministry & Evangelism

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Student involvement in ministry both on and off campus has always been a part of the Wheaton experience. Ministry & Evangelism values student-initiated programming because it is:

  • Relevant
    Programming is relevant to world issues and conversation in and out of the classroom.
  • Responsive
    Programming actively mobilizes students to address current issues around the globe.
  • Reliant
    Programming depends upon student initiation in both leadership and participation.
  • Rooted
    Programming is founded upon scripture, best practices in ministry and community engagement, student development pedagogy.

Lead In...

Lead in Student Missionaray PartnersStudent Missionary Partners
Develop immersive, short term experiences with national and international partners that develop Wheaton students as global Christians.
Apply to be Student Director of the SMP Cabinet.
Apply to be on the SMP Cabinet.

Lead-in-Student-EvangelismStudent Evangelism
Raise evangelistic fervor on campus, equip students in evangelistic training, and mobilize students in evangelistic endeavors.
Apply to be the Student Director of the Evangelism Cabinet.
Apply to be on the Student Evangelism Cabinet.

Lead in Ministry TeamsMinistry Teams
Provide ministry leadership that advocates for the marginalized, provides justice for the oppressed, and declares the salvation of Christ.
If you are interested in applying for a Ministry Team Director role, please email usApply to be on a Ministry Team Cabinet.

Lead-in-WCFWorld Christian Fellowship
Influence a deeper understanding of God’s global mission of reconciliation through intercession, celebration, and mobilizatization. More on WCF


Director applications will be accepted from February 2nd - February 9th.

Cabinet applications will be accepted from February 21st - March 4th.

Serve Through...

Serve Through Student Missionary PartnersStudent Missionary Partners
Our aim is to immerse you in short-term engagement experiences alongside national and international partners, with the aim to help you be a more global Christian.


Serve Through Student EvangelismStudent Evangelism
We want to get everyone on campus excited about evangelism! We will train and equip you as well as get you out sharing your faith with others!


Serve-Through-Ministry-TeamsMinistry Teams
We hope to show you what it's like to lead a team of volunteers. You'll learn to stand up for those who can't stand for themselves and introduce the love of Christ unto salvation!


Serve-Through-WCFWorld Christian Fellowship
We invite you to join us as we seek to understand God’s global mission through various events and prayer.