Housing Closes for non-graduating students and for those without an approved late departure from Residence Life.
10 (Sat)
Housing Closes for students participating in graduation, but not graduating. Must be approved through the Residence Life Office.
11 (Sun)
Housing closes for all non-graduating students and those not approved for a late departure past this deadline. Housing closes at NOON for siblings of graduating seniors.
12 (Mon)
Campus Housing closes for ALL students. Housing opens at 3pm for students approved for summer housing.
August 2025
24 (Sun)
Housing opens for continuing students
25 (Mon)
Meal Plan begins with breakfast Students continue to arrive
26 (Tue)
Students continue to arrive
27 (Wed)
Classes begin
28 (Fri)
Last Day to change meal plan
July 2022
Summer Housing Closes
Summer School Sessions 2021
Session 1
May 18-June 12
Session 2
June 15-July 10
July 31
Friday night is the last NIGHT in campus housing for all students who are enrolled in Session 2
COVID-19 Information for Housing
The housing calendar will be updated as soon as our campus opening and closing dates are confirmed. Please email the residence life office with questions or call them at 630.752.5427