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Recreation & Wellness Programs

The Chrouser Sports Complex is home to a number of recreational opportunities available to students as well as Wheaton College Employees and their dependents. These programs include Group Fitness classes, Climbing Wall, and open swim.

Fitness & Wellness Programs

Ironman Challenge: Swim, bike and run the distances of an Ironman Triathlon during Winter, A Quad!  Track your mileage on our public Weight Room Bulletin Board for extra accountability.  Tech shirts for finishers!

Winter Walk-a-Thon (Employees): Walk 50 miles during Winter, A Quad! Track your mileage on our public Bulletin Board for extra accountability. Free and open to SRC Community Members.

Climbing Competition: The only collegiate climbing competition of it's kind!  Join us Saturday, February 2nd at 6:30 (registration), rules talk starts at 7pm; thanks to our many event sponsors!


Our Mission: Promote, Encourage, and Facilitate Christ-centered Wellness for the Wheaton College Community through formal and informal Recreational Programming.