Wheaton Lingo
Wheaton: Learn the Lingo
1–2–1 A network of upperclass and first generation students who serve as guides and friends for incoming students of color as they start at Wheaton
#MyWheaton The hashtag used to share your Wheaton experience
AIT Academic and Institutional Technology is the department that handles Wheaton’s tech-related needs
All-School is a monthly service of corporate worship and communion for the student body
Axis International student group designed to identify and meet the needs of international students while celebrating global diversity
The Bench The Senior Bench is one of the oldest and most legendary campus rivalries
BGH The Billy Graham Hall is a major landmark on the south side of campus named after one of our most famous alums
Canvas A series of events for sophomores to help understand what God is preparing you to do vocationally, hosted by the CVC.
CLC Community Life Council is an organization of sophomore floor reps who seek to facilitate community in the residence halls
CPO College Post Office (pronounced “sea-po”, not “C-P-O”!)
CU College Union is the student organization that plans campus-wide events like the Talent Show and concerts
CVC The Center for Vocation and Career helps students plan and prepare for vocation through one-on-one meetings, workshops, events, and on-line resources
Chrouser/SRC pool, and work-out facility
Conserv refers to Wheaton’s Conservatory of Music.
Dekes Sophomore students who work with the Admissions office to host prospective students
DSGs Discipleship Small Groups are run through the Chaplain’s Office
Dine With A Mind Pick up a meal card in Student Involvement and enjoy a meal with a faculty or staff member
Family Groups Koinonia’s discipleship small group ministry
Fireside Room Located in Lower Beamer is a quiet place to study
Fischer U is the place to pick up and drop off behind Fischer Hall
GPS Global Programs & Studies helps support, resource and encourage students to study outside of Wheaton’s classroom
GRA Graduate Resident Adviser is a graduate student living in campus housing who supports Residence Life by serving and training the RAs, and caring for the students in their building
HNGR Human Needs and Global Resources is a certificate program providing students with a unique learning experience through a 6-month internship somewhere in the world
HP Honduras Project is a ministry team that provides a water system to a rural Honduran village each year
ICAM office Intercultural Arts and Media is a hub for creativity and home to Storytelling Project, Media Team, and College Union
ISP International Student Programs (Office in Lower Beamer)
Koinonia An Asian American student organization which invites all students to celebrate and explore the uniqueness of the Asian identity in Christ
Ladder Leaders A network of upperclass students who serve as guides and friends for incoming TCKs, MKs and International students
Low Beams The lower level of the Beamer Center
MeySci Refers to the science building next to the Beamer Center
M&E Ministry & Evangelism (office in lower Beamer)
MSC Memorial Student Center is in the middle of campus and houses Wheaton’s center for Political Science, Economics & Public Policy
MuKappa is the student group that supports TCKs and missionary kids
OC Orientation Committee
OMD Office of Multicultural Development (in lower Beamer)
Perry An excavated mastodon on display in the Meyer Science Building
Prez Ball The President’s Ball is Wheaton’s formal event that happens each year in Chicago on President’s Day
RA A Resident Assistant is an upperclass student who lives on each floor and helps to serve the hall through leadership, counsel, community-building, and friendship
RD The Residence Director is a full-time professional who oversees the residence hall and supports, serves and trains the ResLife staff and cares for the students in their building
SAGA An affectionate, informal term used by students to refer to the Dining Hall
SAGA-O The turnaround at the Kingdom sign at the south end of the Beamer Center
SAGA Swipes The balance of meals used or remaining on a block meal plan
Sam’s The Café in the Beamer Center where you can pick up a drink named after your favorite Wheaton College icon
SIO Student Involvement Office (in Lower Beamer)
SG Student Governmentis the liaison between administration, faculty, and students
Shalom Community A Christ-centered intentional multi-racial, living learning community
Smaber Refers to Smith and Traber residence halls together
Solidarity Cabinet Promotes unity on campus through racial reconciliation, education, and conversation
Strongholds is a Gospel-rooted community that engages sexuality with Christ at the center
Student Chaplains Student leaders that care for the spiritual needs of campus
Student-Led Clubs offer students a wide range of opportunities to get involved in a smaller community with a specific focus.
Storytelling Project Home of Studio 1:27 is a space for every student to be seen and heard, and for every student to see and hear others.
Studio 1:27 is a recording box in Lower Beamer where the Wheaton community can share their story.
TCKs Third Culture Kids are students who have spent a significant part of their lives living cross-culturally
Thunderbucks 1 Thunderbuck = $1 Available on your ID card for use at the Stupe or Sam’s (50 Thunderbucks per semester come standard with most meal plans)
Tor Not to be confused with Perry... Wheaton’s mascot is seen at a variety of campus events
The Stupe A hub of social life in the Beamer Center…best place to get a burger and fries
UCC Upperclass Council is the organization of upperclass floor reps who support the residence life community in MacEvans and Williston
UCH Upper Class Halls = McManis + Evans + Williston
Unidad A student leadership team that invites all students to come together through the unity that we all have in Christ to celebrate and explore Latino cultures
Up the Tower Ringing the Tower Bell in Blanchard is one of Wheaton’s oldest traditions to announce/celebrate engagements and weddings of students and alumni
Wade Center The English Tudor museum that archives a collection of 7 British authors’ papers and material including C.S. Lewis’ wardrobe.
WCF World Christian Fellowship is an event for community worship, prayer, and teaching that is focused on the global body of Christ (hosted on Sunday nights)
Westgate Home to the Alumni Office on the corner of Union and Washington
Willie–O A student group that fosters community among Black students as well as creating opportunities for all students to learn about and experience Black Culture
Zoe’s Feet A community of dancers centered on worship through dance