Campus Involvement

Whether coordinating a '70s roller-disco, digging trenches for an irrigation project in Honduras, facilitating a pivotal business meeting, or raising awareness about systemic racism, Wheaton students are engaged in a variety of experiences that contribute to both their growth as Christians and building life-long friendships.

Campus Involvement 2019

Leadership Teams

Serve on Student Government, plan campus-wide events, lead service-learning opportunities, start a club, or engage in one of many student leadership roles on campus. Student leaders are essential in shaping the campus community and culture at Wheaton.

Annual Events and Traditions

Every year student groups on campus put on events including weekly lectures, campus-wide dances, concerts, coffee house performances, and much more.  Beyond that, Wheaton has unique traditions, such as the senior bench, a bench that is fought over by the seniors and juniors, that have been around for decades.



Student-Led Clubs

With genres of clubs ranging from academic honor societies, performance, social justice, and special interest groups, there is something for everyone. These Student-Led and managed clubs truly enrich the culture of Wheaton College, providing avenues for students to express their passions and interests, develop leadership and management skills, and have a ton of fun together.

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Students celebrating at the Lunar New Year Festival, an event put on by the Chinese Language and Culture Club.

Get Involved in Clubs