Housing and Food Insecurities

Housing and Opportunities that are Useful for

Students' Excellence (H.O.U.S.E.) 

In accordance with the Illinois Public Act 102-0083, Illinois colleges and universities are to provide support and resources to students experiencing homelessness and food insecurity.  For more information about what support is available to you as a student or for help with coordinating services with local resources, contact your Wheaton College H.O.U.S.E. Resource Liaison, Dr. Carrie L. Williams, Associate Dean of Student Wellness, directly at 630-752-5797.

Campus housing resource during academic breaks:

Housing support available when campus housing closes during Christmas break:

Students are not allowed to stay in their campus apartment or house over Christmas break unless approved by the residence life office. All students must move out of campus housing. However, if you have a need that does not align with the approved residence life housing policy and you have personal circumstances where you lack or are at imminent risk of lacking a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence or whose parents or legal guardian is unable or unwilling to provide shelter and care during the academic breaks; you will need to meet with the Associate Dean of Student Wellness and HOUSE Liaison for the College, Dr. Carrie L. Williams.

Dr. Williams will work with the Dean of Residence Life, Dr. Heth, to address your housing needs. Please submit a Support and Resource Request Form before the housing committee review deadline to receive housing support consideration. Upon approval of housing, you will be required to follow up with the HOUSE Liaison for ongoing support.  

Below are resources available in the community

Housing Insecurity Support

Local Food Insecurity Support

Food Insecurity Support on Campus

Share Meals at Wheaton College 

An organization developed and founded by Jonathan Chin, graduate student at NYU. Share Meals is dedicated to ensuring all college students are food secure. They want to empower students to strengthen their own communities through sharing food and we accomplish this through technology, activism, and advocacy.

Share Meals app will help you connect with each other so the person with the unused meal can swipe in the student requesting the unused meal. **You can also request that such meetings be kept confidential.*