Residence Life Staff
Cultivating transformative Christ-centered living communities.
Justin Heth, Ph.D.
Dean of Residence Life
Taylor University
B.A., Christian Education
Wheaton Graduate School
M.A., General Theology
Indiana State University
Ph.D., Leadership Administration in Higher Education
Having been deeply impacted by the power of relationships and authentic Christian community, Justin believes that Wheaton’s Residence Life program is one of the best venues for students to grow in character and integrity. As the Dean of Residence Life, he is committed to developing a staff that is able to cultivate campus communities that foster student’s growth in the areas of spiritual and identity formation, their ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships, cultivate a new respect and awe for kingdom diversity, and to help students learn how God uniquely made them to influence people and communities both locally and globally. He believes God uses the late night talks, new friendships, hall events, campus programs, roommate conflicts, and even broken promises to sanctify students during the college years. Students are constantly being formed spirituality and it is a privilege to have a front row seat to watch how the Lord uses blessings and trials to grow his people.
Justin is an active member of Wheaton Bible Church, enjoys woodworking, riding his bike to work year round, and working out. Though his workday at Wheaton may end, he loves pouring into his four kids and all the refugee children that live in his neighborhood.
Contact Justin by email
Student Services Building 218
Stephen Cartwright
Assistant Director of Residence Life
Residence Director of Apartments & Houses
Trinity International University
B.A., Business Management
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Stephen Cartwright began his first year as an RD in Fischer Hall in the fall of 2017. He served in Residence Life throughout much of college and seminary and values the unique opportunities it presents to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through encouragement, challenge, and development of one another. Stephen is transitioning to a new role as RD of campus houses and apartments, assistant director of Residence Life, and ministry associate in the Chaplain's Office. He can likely be found preaching, playing basketball, reading, having insightful conversations, or laughing at random nonsense. Stephen majored in Business Management at Trinity International University, and just before graduating with his bachelor's, he decided to pursue a Master of Divinity from Trinity. His prayer is that campus houses and apartments will be a place that edifies students and staff and glorifies the Risen Christ! A place where the love of Christ is reflected by the ways in which we live out the Good News! A place where individuals feel seen, heard, known and valued and are compelled to help others feel the same.
Contact Stephen by email
House Info
Apartment Info
Sarah Johnson
Residence Director - McManis-Evans, Williston
Union University
B.A., Biblical Languages
Wheaton Graduate School
M.A., Higher Education and Student Development
Sarah has the privilege of working as a Residence Director for Upperclass Halls. She previously served in Fischer Hall as a Graduate Resident Adviser. While she now considers Wheaton to be home, she holds the beautiful rolling hills of Virginia where she spent many years dear to her heart. She also spent several years in Germany and Turkey. Sarah is most passionate about God's work, people, food and making her home a place where all of those are always present. An ideal day would be spent doing something outside with friends, hopefully eating ice cream.
Contact Sarah by email
McManis/Evans Hall Info
Williston Hall Info
Chad Lowe
Residence Director - Smith-Traber
Moody Bible Institute
B.A., Biblical Studies
Wheaton Graduate School
M.A., Higher Education and Student Development
Originally from Wheaton, Chad graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a degree in Biblical Studies. He spent 7 years working as a student pastor for Wheaton Bible Church and then as an associate pastor for Tri-Village Church. He loves spending time with his wife and daughter, reading, spending time in the great outdoors, drinking great coffee and listening to great music. Currently, Chad is learning the guitar so that he can teach his daughter when she grows up.
Contact Chad by email
Smith-Traber Info
Hannah Silk
Residence Director - Fischer Hall
Wheaton College
B.A., Psychology
Wheaton Graduate School
M.A., Higher Education and Student Development
Hannah has served for two years as the GRA of Williston Hall and is transitioning to the role of RD in Fischer. She has enjoyed working in various Residence Life roles throughout her time at Wheaton. She enjoys showing hospitality and developing students holistically. Hannah considers sunny Pasadena, CA, to be her home and loves spending time with others, enjoying coffee, a meal, or ice cream with good friends, and reading great books.
Contact Hannah by email
Fischer Hall
Kristen Ross
Administrative Assistant
Moody Bible Institute
B.A., Communications
Through providing administrative support to the dean and the residence life office, Kristen melds her desire to see students become whole and effective followers of Christ. Kristen’s love for the outdoors often finds her and her husband, Paul, traveling the back roads, or on the Prairie Path, rolling along on two wheels.
Contact Kristen by email
Student Services Building 218
Housing Services Office
The Housing Services Office is responsible for the student housing selection process, meal plan management, grad housing, room change requests and off-campus housing. Elizabeth Buikema at the Housing Services Office may be contacted at or 630.752.5202. Russell Streff manages the summer housing process and he may be contacted at or 630.752.5546.
Residence Life Office
The Residence Life office is responsible for break housing. Contact Kristen Ross at the office at or phone number: 630.752.5427.
Resident Assistants
Resident Assistants are upper-class students (juniors or seniors) who live on each floor and are selected because of their desire and ability to serve fellow students. As a residence hall staff member, the RA serves as a floor manager, community builder, student leader, peer counselor and educator.