From Around the World
There are four international student groups that are part of the International Student Programs Office: Axis, MuKappa, Ladder and International Apartments.
We would love for you to join us! Visit our Instagram page to learn more!
International Apartments
What we do...The International Apartments community lives in on-campus apartments and provides a space for fellowship where international students can gather together, receive encouragement, and build meaningful relationships across cultures and with domestic students.

The International Apartments community lives in on-campus apartments and provides a space for fellowship where international students can gather together through weekly events. Check out their Instagram account to see what they are planning next!
What we do...Axis exists to support the development and success of international (F-1 Visa/MK/TCK) students through programs that facilitate dynamic relationships within ISP and between the international and broader campus community. You can learn more about Axis on their Instagram account.

Please stop by the ISP office at the North end of lower Beamer to learn more about Axis. Or, come meet us at one of our many events throughout the year! You can learn more by emailing and following the Axis instagram page at @wheatonaxis
What we do... MuKappa exists to create meaningful Christ-centered relationships among TCKs, while also creating an international community that fosters belonging for anyone who has experienced cross cultural transitions. MuKappa gathers weekly for Sunday dinners, hosts the campus Espionage game and attends Snow Camp each year. Check out the MuKappa Instagram account to learn more about them.

Please check out the MuKappa Instagram page or contact them at
What we do... Ladder provides 1-on-1 guidance and support for new first-year and transfer international students (F-1 visa, MK and TCK). Ladder leaders help new students navigate their transition to Wheaton by building friendships with them and making connections to people and resources on campus. While enjoying coffee dates and movie nights with new students, the Ladder team comes together to support one another and make fun memories. You can learn more about the Ladder Leaders by checking out their Instagram page!

Have a question? Email the Ladder group at