Spiritual Care
Spiritual Care
The Chaplain's Office is here to support you in your spiritual formation throughout your time at Wheaton and equip you for life after graduation.
One of the ways we hope to offer support is through providing spiritual care. You will find our five areas of spiritual care below. With questions, please email chaplains.office@wheaton.edu or stop by the Chaplain's Office on the north end of lower Beamer... we would love to get to know you!
The Chaplain's Office is here to support you! If you'd like to meet with a Ministry Associate or Student Chaplain in person, please email chaplains.office@wheaton.edu.
Gold Star Chapel, located in the Beamer Student Center, is a small memorial chapel always open for personal prayer and meditation. To insure its availability for individual use, Gold Star Chapel cannot be reserved for group functions.
In a highly sexualized culture, the Chaplain's Office is aware of the need to help students engage as disciples of Christ on matters related to sex and sexuality. Watch for programming under the "Engaging Sexuality" banner, and follow our private Instagram account for ongoing conversations and helpful resources.
For a resource on the theology of sex from Wheaton's Professor of Theology, Beth Felker Jones, click here.
For a resource on how pornography affects the male brain, as well as thoughts on sanctification and holiness as they relate to sexual longings, by Wheaton's Professor of Psychology, William Struthers, click here.
For a resource for Christians on how one might respond to friends and family members who self-identify as same-sex attracted, lesbian, gay or bisexual, by Wheaton's Professor of Psychology, Mark Yarhouse, click here.
For additional resources by Dr. Yarhouse from the Sexual and Gender Identity Institute, click here.
Are you seeking pastoral guidance and wisdom for matters of the faith? One of our Chaplain's Office Ministry Associates is happy to meet with you! Email chaplains.office@wheaton.edu to set up this opportunity.
All School is a unique place where students voluntarily gather to worship, hear from God's Word, receive prayer, and take communion together. This time is jointly planned by our student chaplains and chapel bands as part of their ministry and leadership on campus. Services take place in Edman Chapel and will not be livestreamed or recorded.
All School Communion Schedule | 2022-2023
Tuesday, August 23 | 7pm
Sunday, October 2 | 7pm
Sunday, November 13 | 7pm
Sunday, December 11 | 7pm
Sunday, January 22 | 7pm
Sunday, February 26 | 7pm
Sunday, March 26 | 7pm
Sunday, April 30 | 7pm

What makes Wheaton uniquely Christian not only in theory but in practice? The handbook serves as a guide for students in effort to create a campus community that honors God in every facet.

The Community Covenant serves as a guide for the community to freely and joyfully choose to live in the light of Christ's holiness and hold each other accountable.