Kingdom Diversity Resources

Many Students Studying in Lounge

At Wheaton College, we envision a campus culture that affirms and supports the identities, backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of all students in a way that brings us together in God’s divine love. 

Meaningful learning experiences happen both inside and outside of the classroom. Wheaton should feel like home to each and every student.

Learn about our Multicultural History and Leadership 

Wheaton’s history has always been about serving God in justice based on the truth of the Gospel. 

Explore our history and learn about our leadership now.

Seek Support 

Ongoing spiritual reflection and education are crucial for everyone. Our spiritual journeys ground us in the truth and grace of the gospel.The Wheaton campus community is interconnected, with people everywhere who can support students’ needs. 

Contact the Office of Multicultural Development.

Learn about our approach to gender roles

Wheaton College views both men and women as co-image bearers of God from the beginning. As such, both men and women have important roles to play in realizing God's plan. We teach students to use Scripture to guide their personal learning and explorations.  

Learn more about Wheaton’s approach to teaching about gender roles.  

Report a Bias Incident

Wheaton responds to bias-motivated incidents on behalf of students, staff, or faculty, both on- and off-campus. We encourage members of the college community to report incidents of bias to the Office of Intercultural Engagement. Reporting incidents of bias helps to ensure equality, and promotes care and belonging for all. 

Report a Bias Incident.