Historical Internship Database


Historical Internship Database

2500+ Internships Completed by Recent Graduates

We've collected data from Wheaton graduates who have completed internships in a variety of industries, geographic regions, and academic disciplines to help current Wheaton students think about the possibilities for summer experiences. With over 2,500 unique internships listed, this searchable database can be a useful tool to generate ideas and connect with companies that have already had positive interactions with Wheaties. Get started below!

  1. Search by Major – type a major into the search box
  2. Search by Location — search using the city, state, or country's name
  3. Search by International Internships — type “INTL” in the search box

*Interested in CPT or OPT? See note below.

  • Connect with the CVC to:
    • Learn more about a specific internship in the database
    • Develop an internship search and networking strategy
  • Network with alumni using LinkedIn
  • Apply to a curated list of open internships on Handshake

Wheaton College believes all students should have the opportunity to complete at least one internship while in college. Because summer is an ideal time to complete an internship, offices and centers across Wheaton’s campus offer awards and scholarships to make unpaid internships more attainable and sustainable for Wheaton students. Learn more about internship funding.



*F-1 visa international students: you must receive CPT authorization (documented on your I-20) from your DSO prior to participating in an internship. Please review Wheaton’s CPT website then schedule an appointment with your DSO by e-mailing isp@wheaton.edu to ensure an internship opportunity meets the requirements under F-1 visa regulations.

Disclaimer: The Wheaton College Center for Vocation and Career makes no guarantee about positions listed and is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of an internship or employment. It is the responsibility of each individual internship seeker to research the integrity of the organization(s) to which he/she is applying and to verify the specific information pertaining to an internship. Internship seekers should exercise due diligence and use common sense and caution when applying for or accepting any position.