About the Wheaton College Artist Series
Welcome to the Wheaton College Artist Series!
For 75 years, we have been presenting the world's best live music and dance from classical and folk traditions to the community. Today, the Wheaton College Artist Series is Dupage County’s only classical series.
Ticket prices remain affordable with a wide range of individual ticket prices and Subscription Packages that offer deep discounts as well as other benefits. An investment in the live performing arts through a ticket purchase with the Wheaton College Artist Series means more than just an incredible night of music or dance; you are also supporting outreach to students and their families all over DuPage County. Together, we invest in the cultural treasury of our community.
Your Access to World-renowned Artists
Artist Series evenings feature world-renowned performers sharing their celebrated talent in the beautiful concert halls of Wheaton College. Beforehand, plan to attend Grace Notes, a free pre-concert conversation with guests about the program to follow.
Benefits of Subscribing
Subscribers receive a significant discount over the cost of individual tickets. Learn more about packages and how to subscribe at tickets.wheaton.edu/packages. Subscriptions offer savings, convenience, and extra benefits.
Thanks to Our Partners
A special thanks to our Partners in the Arts and the JCS Arts, Health and Education Fund of DuPage Foundation for their generous support.
History of the Artist Series
Music has always been central to the Wheaton College community. The Wheaton College Artist Series began in 1950 with a performance by the Robert Shaw Chorale in Coray Alumni Gymnasium. Since then, the last seven decades have featured the world's best orchestras, choirs, string quartets, brass ensembles, dance companies, world music ensembles, and soloists to hundreds of thousands of appreciative concertgoers, including many of Wheaton College's undergraduate music majors who benefit from having these world-class artists here on campus.
The Artist Series regularly partners with local artists and ensembles, such as Camerata Chicago, Ballet 5:8, Black Oak Ensemble and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, as well as local artists and student ensembles from the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music.
"Thanks so much for your hard work and insight into preparing such an ongoing litany of Artist Series. Your audiences are very appreciative, they are inspired, they are refreshed, they are educated, and they have an opportunity to experience a taste of heaven here on earth." – Jon Krier, a long-time subscriber.
Decades of Music-Making
Looking back over more than seven decades, it is amazing to see the variety, quality, and depth of the artists and performances. Take a walk down memory lane and see the artists who have performed on the Wheaton College Artist Series:
- Robert Shaw Chorale (7 encores)
- Symphony Orchestra of Indiana University
- Jubilee Singers
- Kate Pentzer Stokes, interpretive reader
- Halloran Chorus
- Jennie Tourel, voice
- Gold & Fizdale, duo pianists
- Don Cossacks
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Robert Shaw Chorale
- Mack Harrell, baritone
- Robert MacDowell, piano
- Griller String Ensemble
- The Boys Singers of Mexico
- Luboschutz & Nemenoff
- Nathan Milstein
- Hilde Gueden
- Marian Anderson
- Victor Herbert
- Festival Pro Musica Trio
- Arthur Rubinstein
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Mischa Mischakoff
- Minneapolis Symphony
- The Northerners
- Dame Myra Hess
- Detroit Symphony Orchestra
- Swedish National Chorus
- Jan Peerce, Tenor
- Isaac Stern
- Appleton & Field
- Jerome Hines, Bass
- United States Marine Band
- The Netherlands String Quartet
- Roger Wagner Chorale
- Indiana's Symphony Orchestra
- Roberta Peters, soprano
- Clebanoff Strings
- Byron Janis, piano
- Fine Arts Quartet
- Robert Shaw Chorale
- National Symphony Orchestra
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Minneapolis Orchestra
- Robert Shaw Chorale
- Jerome Hines, Bass
- Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Reiner)
- Branko Krsmanovich Chorus
- Roger Wagner Chorale William Warfield
- Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Reiner)
- The Budapest String Quartet
- Arthur Rubinstein, piano
- Philadelphia Orchestra (Ormandy)
- Chicago Symphony (Reiner/Kletzki)
- Byron Janis, piano
- Van Cliburn, piano
- Andres Segovia
- Jerome Hines, bass James Buswell, violin Eugene Istomin, piano
- Elizabeth Schwartzkopf, soprano with
John Wustman, piano Vienna Symphony (Sawallisch) - Robert Shaw Chorale & Orchestra
- The Westminster Choir
- Chicago Symphony (Martinon)
- Frank Miller, cello
- Warsaw Phil. Orchestra(Wislocki)
- Obernkirchen Children's Choir
- Roger Wagner Chorale & Orchestra
- Isaac Stern, violin
- Gina Bachauer, piano
- Marian Anderson (Farewell Tour)
- Richard Tucker, tenor
- Philadelphia Orchestra (Ormandy)
- The Netherlands Chamber Orchestra
- Van Cliburn, piano
- Roberta Peters, soprano
- Gérard Souzay, baritone with Dalton Baldwin, piano
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Nathan Milstein, violin
- Robert Shaw Chorale & Orchestra Cleveland Orchestra (Szell)
- Roger Wagner Chorale & Orchestra
- Roger Merrill, baritone Rudolph Serkin, piano
- Vienna Johann Strauss
- Orchestra Philharmonica Hungarica
- Virtuosi di Roma Concertgebouw Orchestra (Haitink)
- Vienna Philharmonic (Boehm)
- The Norman Luboff Choir
- James Buswell, violin
- Goldovsky Opera Theater
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Jerome Hines, bass
- Gina Bachauer, piano
- (Isaac) Stern-Rose-Istomin Trio
- Roger Wagner Chorale & Orchestra
- Roberta Peters, soprano
- Obernkirchen Children's Choir
- Indianapolis Symphony (Janis)
- New York Pro Musica
- The Romeros Michael
- Rabin, violin
- Chicago Symphony (Solti) with Gina Bachauer, piano
- New York Philharmonic (Ozawa)
- William Warfield, baritone
- Royal Choral Society Van Cliburn, piano
- Leonard Rose, cello
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Goldovsky Grand Opera Theater
- Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra
- French National Orchestra (Martinon)
- Greg Smith Singers
- New York Pro Musica
- Gina Bachauer, piano
- Atlanta Symphony (Shaw)
- Johann Strauss Ensemble
- Birgit Nilsson, soprano with John Wustman, piano
- Eugene Istomin, piano
- Goldovsky Grand Opera Theater
- The Blue Danube Choir of Vienna
- Wienerwald Instrumental Ensemble
- New York Brass Quintet
- Jerome Hines
- André Watts
- The Vienna Symphony Orchestra
- Michael Lorimer, guitar
- The Cleveland Orchestra (Maazel?)
- Israel Philharmonic (Mehta)
- Beaux Arts Trio
- Roger Wagner Chorale & Orchestra
- New York Pro Musica
- Mozartuem Orchestra of Salzburg
- Van Cliburn, piano
- Alicia de Larrocha, piano
- Simon Estes, baritone
- Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra
- Detroit Symphony Orchestra
- Cristina Ortiz, piano
- Claudio Arrau, piano
- Vienna Boys Choir
- The Romeros, guitars
- Shirley Verrett, mezzo-sop.
- Jorge Bolet, piano
- André Watts, piano
- Roger Wagner
- Chorale Maurice
- Andre, trumpet
- Württemberg Chamber Orchestra
- Byron Janis, piano
- Theodor Uppman, baritone
- Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra
- Jean-Bernard Pommier, piano
- Boston Symphony Orchestra (Ozawa)
- Beaux Arts Trio
- The Hague Philharmonic
- Swedish Radio Choir
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Vermeer Quartet
- Yehudi & Hephzibah Menuhin (piano/violin)
- Ensemble for Early Music
- Alicia de Larrocha, piano
- Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano
- Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
- Van Cliburn, piano
- Pepe Romero, guitar
- St. Hedwig's Cathedral Choir & Domkapelle Orchestra of Berlin
- Carmen Balthrop, soprano
- Winds of Chicago Chamber Orchestra
- Cleveland Orchestra (Maazel)
- Yarbrough & Cowan, Duo-Piano
- James Buswell, violin Rudolph Serkin, piano
- Camerata Chamber Orchestra of Salzburg
- Roger Wagner Chorale
- Sherrill Milnes, baritone
- Bach Aria Group
- Emanuel Ax, piano
- Bavarian Radio Symp. (Kubelik)
- Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
- Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano
- Carmen Balthrop, soprano
- The Beaux Arts Trio
- Garrick Ohlsson, piano
- Vienna Boys Choir
- Waverly Consort Nathan Milstein, violin
- Garrick Ohlsson, piano
- Polish Chamber Orchestra
- Igor Kipnis, harpsichord
- Janos Starker, cello
- Westminster Choir
- Jerome Hines, bass
- Pinchas & Eugenia Zukerman (violin/ flute)
- Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
- Emanuel Ax, piano
- Michel Debost, flute with Paris Chamber Players
- Beaux Arts Trio
- Byron Janis, piano
- Roger Wagner Chorale
- Goldovsky Grand Opera Theater
- Murray Perahia, piano
- L’Orchestra du Capitole Toulouse
- Shmuel Ashkenasi, violin
- The Elmer Iseler Singers
- Jorge Bolet, piano
- Michael Rudy, piano?
- Swiss Chamber Orchestra
- Vienna Boys Choir
- St. Paul Chamber Orchestra
- Aulos Ensemble
- Elmer Iseler Singers
- Phillipe Entremont, piano
- Royal Swedish Chamber Orchestra
- Janos Starker, cello
- Erie Mills, soprano
- The King's Singers
- Murray Perahia, piano
- Berlin Chamber Orchestra
- Jan de Gaetani, soprano with Gilbert Kalish, piano
- Guarneri String Quartet
- Atlanta Symphony (Shaw)
- Elly Ameling, soprano
- New York Brass Quintet
- Gillian Weir, organ
- Misha Dichter, piano
- Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers
- Houston Symphony (Comissiona)
- Polish Chamber Orchestra
- David Buechner, piano
- New York Trumpet Ensemble
- Canadian Brass (for Yo-Yo Ma)
- The King's Singers
- Juilliard String Quartet
- Sylvia McNair, soprano
- Gillian Weir, organ
- Chicago Symphony (Barenboim)
- The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
- Oslo Philharmonic (Jansons)
- Timothy Jenkins, tenor
- Best of Gilbert & Sullivan
- Peter Serkin, piano
- Yo-Yo Ma, cello
- Bob McGrath, (Young People's Artist Series)
- Christopher Parkening, guitar
- Wendy White, mezzo-sop.
- Prague Chamber Orchestra
- Jeremy Menuhin, piano
- Empire Brass
- Gewandhaus Orchestra of Leipzig (Masur)
- The Canadian Brass
- André-Michel Schub, piano
- Sherrill Milnes (for F. von Stade)
- Orchestra der Beethovenhalle Bonn (Davies)
- Beaux Arts Trio
- Leontyne Price, soprano
- The Chicago Symphony
- Elmar Oliveira, violin Camerata
- Musica Mozart Celebration
Concert Royal, New York Baroque Dance Company - Kenneth Cox, Bass (D. Horn)
- Orchestre National De Lyon
- (Krivine) J.-P. Collard, piano
- Jerry Hadley, ten. (for Frederica von Stade)
- Christopher Parkening, guitar
- Oslo Philharmonic (Jansons)
- The Paragon Ragtime Orchestra (Rick Benjamin)
- Academy of St. Martin in the Fields(Brown)
- Alicia de Laroccha, piano
- James Galway, flute
- Kirov Orchestra of St. Petersburg (Gergiev)
- American Boychoir & Atlantic Brass (James Litton)
- Leipzig Chamber Orchestra
- Joseph Kalichstein, pianist
- Ying String Quartet
- Empire Brass, Douglas Major, organ
- Kathleen Battle, soprano
- Hanover Band, John Aler, tenor
- Jean-Philippe Collard, piano
- The Western Wind Vocal
- Sextet Dresden Staatskapelle (Sinopoli)
- Pinchas Zukerman, violin, M. Neikrug, piano
- Uptown String Quartet
- The King's Singers
- The Russian National Orchestra
- Stephen Hough, piano
- Warsaw Sinfonia (Penderecki)
- Allison Eldredge, cellist
- Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra (Marsalis)
- Paula Robison, flute
- Frederica v. Stade, mezzo-soprano
- New York Big Brass Christmas
- St. Louis Symphony (Slatkin)
- Moscow Virtuosi (Spivakov, violin/conductor)
- Igor Tchetouev, pianist
- NEXUS Percussion Ensemble
- Pittsburg Symphony (Previn)
- Truls Mørk, cello
- Symphony of the Shores Christmas
with Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus - André Watts, piano
- Quink Vocal Ensemble
- Kevin McMillan, baritone (for Thomas Hampson, baritone)
- Academy of Ancient Music (Hogwood) Emma Kirkby, sop.
- Andrew Manze, violin
- Dale Warland Singers
- Christopher Parkening, guitar
- Mendelssohn's Elijah (Nelson)
- Jubilant Sykes, baritone
- Prague Chamber Orchestra
- Lisitsa, piano
- Sergei Nakariakov, trumpet
- St. Paul Cham. Orchestra (Wolff)
- Emanuel Ax, piano
- London Brass
- Canadian Brass
- St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra (Tate)
- Dawn Upshaw, soprano
- Billy Taylor, jazz piano
- Turtle Island String Quartet
- The King's Singers
- Midori, violin
- Moscow State Radio Symphony & Chorus
- Verdi's Requiem (Alexeyev)
- San Francisco Western Opera Theatre- Don Giovanni
- Abbey Simon, piano
- Vienna Choir Boys (501st Anniversary)
- James Galway, flute, Safri Duo, percussion
- Moscow Virtuosi (Spivakov)
- Chicago Jazz Ensemble (William Russo)
- Christopher Parkening, guitar
- Jubilant Sykes, baritone
- St. Paul Chamber Orchestra (Zucherman)
- Waverly Consort
- Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra
- Britten War Requiem (Nelson)
- Chicago Jazz Ensenble (Russo)
- Kathleen Battle, soprano
- Moscow State Symphony (Kogan)
- Vladimir Feltsman, piano
- The Chenaults, duo organ
- BBC Concert Orchestra, 50th Anniversary (Wordsworth)
- N. Loud, violin
- Emerson Str. Quartet & Kalichstein- Laredo-Robinson - 25th Anniversary
- Chicago Jazz Ensemble (Russo)
- Ben Heppner, tenor
- Venice Baroque Orchestra (Marcon)
- Carmignola, violinist
- Turtle Island & Ying Quartets
- Hungarian National Philharmonic (Kocsis, conductor/pianist)
- Canadian Brass
- London City Opera: Madame Butterfly
- Chicago Jazz Ensemble (Russo)
- Krasnoyarsk National Dance Company Siberia
- Opera Verdi Europa: Lucia di Lammermoor
- Stewart Goodyear, pianist
- Deanna Witkowski Quartet
- Ring of Fire
- Handbells with Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus
- Moscow State Orchestra & Chorus
- Y. Rozum, piano
- M. Hamlisch, Sylvia McNair,
Wheaton College Symphony Orchestra & Choruses
- National Dance Theatre of the Ukraine
- Warsaw Phil., Olga Kern, piano
- Moscow Virtuosi (Spivakov)
- Anna Schein, piano
- St. Olaf Choir
- Handel's Messiah (Nelson)
- Opera Verdi Europa: Great Moments
- Chicago Jazz Ensemble
S. McNair, sop., K. Cole, piano (Faddis) - Burning River Brass
- Imani Winds
- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Black Watch & Welsh Guards
- Stars of the Russian Natlonal Ballet
- Canadian Brass
- Mendelssohn’s Elijah (Nelson)
- Ivo Pogorelich, piano
- Hamburg Symphony Orchestra
- Arturo Toscanini Phil. (Maazel)
- Hungarian State Folk Ensemble
- National Philharmonic of Russia (Spivakov)
- Hector Olivera, organ
- Ladysmith Black Mambazo
- Festival of Russian Dance
- Chicago Symphony (Kraemer)
- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Zukerman, cond./violin)
- Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Band of the Coldstream Guards
- State Symphony Orchestra of Mexico (Bátiz)
- Berlioz Requiem (Nelson)
- Ying Quartet & Billy Childs
- Compania Flamenco, J. Porcel
- Marsalis Brasilianos (Marsalis)
- Marc-André Hamelin, pianist
- Bobby McFerrin, solo
- National Acrobats of China
- Dublin Philharmonic, F. Collins, piano
- Estonian National Symphony (Järvi)
- Marvin Hamlisch & Joel Grey
Wheaton College Symphony Orchestra
- Alison Balsom, trumpet, David
- Schrader, organ
- Virsky Ukrainian National Dance Company
- The King’s Singers
- Russian National Ballet Theatre
- Band of the Irish Guards & Royal Regiment of Scotland
- Moscow State Radio Symphony
- Festival of Voices
- Chicago Symphony Orchestra
- Paragon Ragtime Orchestra
- Bayanihan Philippine National Dance Company
- Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem (Nelson)
- Charlie Siem, violin
- Cuarteto Latinoamericano
- M. Barrueco, guitar
- Opole, Philharmonic of Poland (Dawidow)
- Empire Brass
- Millar Brass, Ignace Michiels, organ
- J. Roman, cello, Z. Bognar, piano
- Cantus Vocal Ensemble
- Hamburg Symphony Orchestra (Tate)
- Gabriela Montero, piano
- Quartetto Gelato
- Turtle Island Quartet
- Cashore Marionettes
- Anderson & Roe, Duo- Piano
- Camerata Chicago, C. Goulding, violin (D. Hall)
- Hubbard Street Dance 2 with
Wheaton College Symphony Orchestra (D. Sommerville) - China National Symphony Orchestra (Xincao Li)
- Harlem Quartet
- Corky Siegel & Chamber Blues
- Fischoff: Project Fusion
- Ballet Quad Cities
- Harlem Gospel Choir
- Spanish Brass
- Red Priest Baroque Quintet
- VocalEssence with Wheaton College Concert
- Choir (P. Brunelle)
- Chamber Orchestra Kremlin
- Charlie Albright, piano
- Fischoff: Akropolis Reed Quintet
- Elly Ameling Masterclass
- Camerata Chicago, J. Roman, cello (D. Hall)
- Haydn The Creation (Nelson)
- Spektral Quartet, Julien Labro, bandoneon
- Brandon Ridenour, trumpet
- FledgeFest Artists
- Tyler Sjöström, Abbi Rajasekhar & Kevin Marble
- Ken Medema Stories & Songs
- Emanuel Ax, piano
- Sylvia McNair, Camerata Chicago
- Drostan Hall
- Soweto Gospel Choir
- Guitarist Xuefei Yang
- Naughton Sisters Duo-Pianists
- Les Violons du Roy, Pianist
- Alexandre Tharaud
- Andrew Nemr, tap dancer
- 5 Browns, piano quintet
- Eroica Trio
- Camerata Chicago, Joffrey Academy (Drostan Hall)
- Songs of Praise/Mendelssohn (Nelson)
- Axiom Brass
- Canadian Brass
- Ray Chen, violin
- U.S. Army Field Band
- American Spiritual Ensemble
- Yamato Drummers of Japan
- A Night at the Opera
L. Brownlee, tenor, E. Birsan, soprano, J. Donner, tenor,
W. Liverman, baritone, L. Metzger, mezzosoprano
Wheaton College Symphony Orchestra (Daniel Sommerville)
- The 5 Browns
- Vadym Kholodenko, pianist
- Mariachi Herencia de Mexico
- Camerata Chicago/Joffrey Academy Dancers
- The King’s Singers Gold
- Russian Renaissance
- Los Angeles Guitar Quartet
- Ballet 5:8 The Space In Between
- Irish Chamber Orchestra (J. Widmann)
- Ian Bostridge, tenor, Xuefei Yang, guitar
- Lauridsen Lux Aeterna
- Langston Hughes Project
- Black Oak Ensemble
- John Patitucci, bassist/Turtle Island String Quartet
- Improviser Ken Medema
- Voces8 (vocal ensemble)
- Camerata Chicago Orchestra
- Lauridsen Celebration/James Arthur Bond, Lauridsen Scholar, Jeremy Huw Williams, tenor, Monica Griffin Hunter, soprano, Paula Fan, pianist
- Ken Medema, Improviser/pianist/songwriter
- Boston Brass
- Chelsea Chen, organist (substituting for David Schrader)
- Danish Quartet
- The Queen’s Cartoonists
- New York Classical Players (substituting for English Chamber Orchestra)
- Awadagin Pratt, pianist
- Ballet 5:8 with pianists Daniel Paul Horn and Kyle Orth
- National Chorus of Korea
- Midori/Festival Strings of Lucerne
- Picosa Chamber Ensemble
- Shawn Okpebholo’s Songs in Flight
- John William Trotter conducts Songs in Flight
Tony Payne
General Manager
The Wheaton Arts Series is a gift to local residents—one that invites them to enjoy the splendor of world-class performances at small town prices.— Deborah L. Venezia, Director, Arts DuPage