Meet Perry Mastodon
The Perry Mastodon was a gift of Judge and Mrs. Joseph Sam Perry. It was discovered in Glen Ellyn, Illinois on October 16, 1963.
In 1974, the Perry Mastodon went on display in the Edwin F. Deicke Exhibit Hall in Armerding Hall on Wheaton’s campus, where it resided until 2010. On May 27, 2010, Perry was moved to Wheaton’s new Meyer Science Center, as construction on the new facility was nearing completion. A valuable teaching aid and a community treasure, Perry has been viewed by thousands of individuals and tour groups.
Stephen O. Moshier
Professor of Geology
Department of Geology and Environmental Science
630.752.5063 (Department Office)
"Great are the works of the Lord: They are studied by all who delight in them." Psalm 111:2
Perry Mastodon Exhibit Hours:
The Mastodon and interpretive information is viewable from outside of its exhibit room during regular visiting hours Monday-Saturday 7 am - 11 pm. Public access to the interior of the exhibit for educational groups is available by appointment.