Summer Music
Summer Music
CSA's summer music program is designed to build musical expression and attention skills through singing, focused listening, patterning, and instrumental play!
2025 CSA Summer program registration is open.
Summer Music 2025
Musical Discoveries
(18 mo–3 yrs)
Each class your child will discover new activities and games through exploration of instruments and dances!
Keyboard Club
(5.5–9 yrs)
Get ready to play games, move, sing, drum and play songs on the keyboard in a group setting.
Suzuki Samplers
(4–7 yrs)
In these beginning small group instrument classes, students and parents explore the Suzuki method.
Instrument Lessons
Enjoy the many benefits of starting music lessons in summer! CSA offers Suzuki (4–6 yrs) and Traditional (6 yrs–adult) instrument lessons.
Wheaton College offers many free and educational places for kids and families to explore.
Have you explored Wheaton College campus?
- Billy Graham Hall Museum
A visit to the Billy Graham Hall Museum takes you through a Sacred Arts Gallery, with rotating exhibits, the History of Evangelism in America and an interactive walk through the Gospel. Highlights include the Life and Ministry of Billy Graham and the "Heaven" room. - Perry Mastodon
Perry, Wheaton College's own Mastodon, is the visual highlight of Wheaton College's new Science Center. In addition to the Perry Exhibit, the Science Center hosts a rock/mineral/fossil reference collection. - Wade Center
You'll find Smaug on display here! Highlights of the Wade Center include Tolkien's writing desk and 5 Lord of the Rings posters drawn by Tolkien himself. Other literary treasures include C.S. Lewis' writing desk and a wardrobe from Lewis' childhood home, which may have sparked the idea for "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". Popular merchandise related to the movie "The Hobbit" is also on display. - Student Recreation Center (SRC)
From rock climbing to pilates classes, the Wheaton Sports and Recreation Complex provides access to many activities to promote healthy and active lives. Members of the community are also able to obtain a membership through the SRC to gain access to our state of the art facilities. - Wheaton College Athletics
Wheaton College is Division III in collegiate athletics. Come cheer on the Thunder!
Summer Camps are offered in Basketball, Tennis, Wrestling, Soccer, and Volleyball. - Cafe Bon Appetit
Fresh. Local. Delicious. Wheaton College offers many options in dining, using Farm to Fork suppliers. Anderson Commons serves traditional dishes and comfort foods. Located in the heart of the Beamer Center, Sam's is a great place to grab an ice cream or a healthy snack with the kids. Sam's also offers FOHTY (From Our House To Yours), weekly take-out dinners for four. The Stupe features the best burger in town! All cafes are open to the public. Children ages 3-7 are half price.