Financial Aid Loans

To help pay for your college education, students may borrow through one or more of the following loan programs.

Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans

Learn more about Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans

Supplemental Loans

Learn more about Supplemental Loans

Loan Repayment Calculator

To estimate your monthly loan repayments, please visit the calculators

For questions about applying for loans, please contact our office.

Sample Loan Repayment Schedule

All student loans must be repaid. Below are sample loan repayment schedules assuming that the loan is first disbursed on or after 7/1/24 and before 10/1/25 and the interest rate remains constant throughout the life of the loan. Currently the 2024-25 Undergraduate Federal Direct Loan has a fixed rate of 6.53% and the Graduate Federal Direct Loan has a fixed rate of 8.08% with a loan fee of 1.057%.

The tables also assume that the loan will be paid in equal monthly installments through standard loan amortization. The examples are not accurate for some alternate repayment plans, such as graduate repayment and income contingent repayment.

Sample Undergraduate Loan Repayment Schedule 

Balance of Repayment
Number of Payments
Estimated Monthly Payment Amount
Estimated Cumulative Payments
Estimated Total Interest Paid





















Sample Graduate Loan Repayment Schedule 

Balance of Repayment
Number of Payments
Estimated Monthly Payment Amount
Estimated Cumulative Payments
Estimated Total Interest Paid









