Release of records without consent
In addition to Directory Information, the institution may release records without consent. Some examples of the exception for having a release include:
- "School officials" with a "legitimate educational interest"/"need to know;" Employees and legal agents have access to education records in order to perform their official, educationally-related duties.
- Disclosure to another institution where student seeks to enroll or is enrolled;
- Disclosure to ED, state/local education authorities;
- Disclosure in connection with the receipt of financial aid (validating eligibility); includes veteran's benefits;
- Disclosure to state/local officials in conjunction with legislative requirements;
- Disclosure to organizations conducting studies to improve instruction, or to accrediting organizations;
- Disclosure to parents of dependent students (IRS definition);
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
- Disclosure for a health/safety emergency; and
- Disclosure of directory information
- Disciplinary information (Warner Amendment):
- Disclosure to the alleged victim, information from disciplinary proceedings;
- Only when found in violation, and only for crimes of violence--release of name, sanction and outcome (public information); and
- Disclosure to parents of any student under the age of 21, a violation of federal, state, local or institutional laws/regulations related to substance abuse (Foley Amendment).