Our Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Impact

Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative

The Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative has an exciting vision for what we aim to accomplish through our work together. Discover how you can make an impact as part of our team. 

Wheaton College IL Multicultural Peace and Justice Colaborative Faculty


We believe in the promotion of multiculturalism, social justice, and peace within ourselves, with other individuals, with groups and nations, and with all of humanity.


We engage in the process of developing ourselves as multiculturally-oriented scholar-practitioners who value and produce action-oriented scholarship that has practical usefulness for realizing an inclusive and peacefully diverse world where all humans can flourish together. We humbly aspire to develop various ways of knowing, being, and doing in our personal and professional lifestyles. We seek to value content, process, and outcome in collaborative relationships that help to develop our intellect, skills, and identity.

You will use your multicultural-social justice-peace oriented scholar-practitioner identity to live out your life calling of being a change agent in academic, clinical, and community contexts.


We are a team of faculty members and students who focus on the pedagogy, theory, and praxis of collaborative scholarship and research. With the framework of principled egalitarianism rooted in neighborly love of diverse people, liberation mindsets, and culturally indigenous participation, we collaboratively conceptualize and create scholarship and research that broadly focuses on how theory, research, and practice all intersect with multiculturalism, social justice, and peace – in these domains, we focus on developing our foundational and functional competencies and seek to develop our integrative understanding of their intersecting combinations.


We seek to work alongside the oppressed—people, including ourselves, who are experiencing structural violence, cultural violence, and direct violence—to assist them in realizing an inclusive and peacefully diverse world.

Apply Today to Join the Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative

Step One

Interested in joining us? Great! Already a student at Wheaton? Skip to Step Two. 

The first step is to apply to Wheaton College. The Collective is open to undergraduate and graduate students, so choose the correct application for you below. 

Apply - Undergraduate Apply - Graduate School


Step Two

Fill out the appropriate application below and return it as instructed on the form. 

Undergraduate Student Lab Application   |   Graduate Student Lab Application