Semester in Jerusalem

Engage With Ancient and Modern Narratives

A Wheaton College faculty-led semester program where students study and engage with ancient Biblical and modern Middle East narratives.

Semester in Jerusalem students being served Turkish coffee. Students in front of the Dome of the Rock. Students looking at medieval tower. Students listening to tour guide teaching.

The program is:


Students reside and study at Jerusalem University College in Jerusalem, the cradle of ancient civilizations and one of the most vibrant cultural and religious communities in the world. Jerusalem has played a major role in world events for centuries—it is a city of religious and political significance. The JUC campus is nestled atop Mount Zion next to the Old City. In addition to classroom work at JUC, the program includes field studies to historical, cultural, religious, and political sites throughout Israel and (travel permitting) the West Bank territories and into Jordan.

After completing studies at JUC and if there are no travel restrictions, students conclude the program in a location with a complementary environment such as Prague, Czech Republic for the group to synthesize the semester of study and expand topics and studies of the CORE course. 

An image used for a banner

Living Arrangements

With the exception of hotels and other accommodations during overnight excursions and the program extension, students live in dorm rooms at Jerusalem University College.

Requirements and Prerequisites

Students must be undergraduates in good academic and judicial standing and have at least a 2.5 GPA to participate. All program participants must complete GPS 231: Orientation to Study Abroad (2 hrs.) offered during B quad of the semester prior to the program. It is recommended (but not required) that students complete either BITH 211: OT Literature and Interpretation or BITH 213: NT Literature and Interpretation prior to the program.


Students earn 14-17 credit hours during the program. Many courses are accepted for major or minor elective credit by the related academic department(s) and some fulfill CATC thematic core tags. Courses at Jerusalem University College are taught by noted Israeli and Palestinian professors who are experts in their fields. Students also take a four-credit CORE course taught by the Wheaton College professor in residence.

Students complete the following required courses:

Students choose two to three electives from the following anticipated courses:

Anticipated Major/Minor Elective Credits for Courses (beginning with the 2023-24 catalog*)

ANTH majors/minors may earn up to 6 elective credits. Physical Settings fulfills the archaeology requirement for the Anthropology major. Palestinian Society and Politics can be applied towards the Anthropology major with department permission. 

Physical Settings, Biblical Archaeology I, or History of Ancient Israel can count toward fulfilling the 6-hours of the elective block in the Archaeology major. Up to six hours can be drawn from History of the Church in the East, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, or Readings in Biblical Hebrew to count toward the interdisciplinary emphasis portion of the Archaeology major.

BITH majors/minors may earn up to 9 elective credits. Physical Settings of the Bible or Biblical Archeology I count toward the archaeology requirement; History of the Church in the East counts toward the theology requirement. 

IR/PSCI majors/minors and those completing the PACS Certificate Program may earn 6 elective credits by taking Intro to the Modern Middle East or Palestinian Society and Politics. In addition, History of the Jews during the Medieval and Modern Periods can fulfill the history elective requirement for the IR major.

History courses may be applied towards the History major/minor only with department approval.

*Students under a catalog year prior to the 2023-24 undergraduate catalog should use the above chart as a guide; for those students, some courses do not automatically count toward a major or minor. Students may seek approval through the departmental recommendation process (documentation should be on file prior to the start of the program).

Anticipated Semester Dates*  

August 28 – December 13, 2025 (*Program dates are tentative and contingent on active war ending in Israel.)


Program costs are comparable to a full-time on-campus semester at Wheaton (full semester tuition and a program fee equivalent to on-campus housing and food costs) and cover program tuition, room and board, academic excursions, and transportation within the program (surface and air). This does not cover passport or visa fees (if more than the standard fee), airfare to/from from the program, vaccinations or pre-program medical tests, field study fees for some elective courses (see course descriptions above for courses with additional field study fees), textbooks, and other personal expenses.

A $500 non-refundable deposit is collected after acceptance to the program and applied toward the program tuition fee. Financial aid is available for the program on the same basis as that of an on-campus semester when CPOS requirements are met. 

Faculty Leader for Fall 2025

Dr. Dyanne Martin, Assistant Professor of English and Education

Dr. Dyanne MartinI am delighted by the opportunity to share this semester study experience with students, building community as we traverse the region and learn more about the beauty, complexities, and challenges of the Middle East.

I hold a dual appointment as an assistant professor of both English and Education at Wheaton College, where I teach a wide variety of classes, including two courses that focus on literature of the Holocaust. My PhD is in Cultures, Languages, and Literatures, so I am especially excited for us to be immersed in a country so richly endowed in each of those areas. I am also a research fellow for the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), and my work there allows me to engage in research, writing, and teaching that all focus not only on the Middle East, but also on how geopolitical events in the area affect North America and the United Kingdom.

My deep interest in other cultures stems from my childhood in Jamaica, where growing up amid numerous ethnicities (and admixtures thereof) piqued my fascination with cultural identity as formed within unified syncretic communities. I currently live near Wheaton with my fabulous, beloved husband, Tom, who is the Clyde S. Kilby Endowed Chair of English at Wheaton College. We both love transformative literature, old movies, inspiring music, excellent food, and global travel. 

Learn More

If you have questions or would like to know more about the Semester in Jerusalem program, contact us at

How to Apply

To apply, visit GoGlobal, Wheaton College's registration system for off-campus study and international travel, research, and internships.

The application for the fall 2025 cohort will open in the second half of the fall 2024 term only if Israel and the region is stable. 


Engage With Ancient and Modern Narratives

A Wheaton College faculty-led semester program where students study and engage with ancient biblical and modern Middle East narratives.

Semester in Jerusalem students being served Turkish coffee. Students in front of the Dome of the Rock. Students looking at medieval tower. Students listening to tour guide teaching.

The program is:


Students reside and study at Jerusalem University College in Jerusalem, the cradle of ancient civilizations and one of the most vibrant cultural and religious communities in the world. Jerusalem has played a major role in world events for centuries—it is a city of religious and political significance. The JUC campus is nestled atop Mount Zion next to the Old City. In addition to classroom work at JUC, the program includes field studies to historical, cultural, religious, and political sites throughout Israel and (travel permitting) the West Bank territories and into Jordan.

Prior to studying at JUC and if there are no travel restrictions, students will begin the program in a location with a comparative environment such as Cairo, Egypt. There the program will set the stage for studying the political, cultural, and socio-economic issues in the region. If there are travel restrictions, the program will launch in an alternate location.

An image used for a banner

Living Arrangements

With the exception of hotels and other accommodations during overnight excursions, students live in dorm rooms at Jerusalem University College.

Requirements and Prerequisites

Students must be undergraduates in good academic and judicial standing and have at least a 2.5 GPA to participate. All program participants must complete GPS 231: Orientation to Study Abroad (2 hrs.) offered during B quad of the fall semester prior to the program. It is recommended (but not required) that students complete either BITH 211: OT Literature and Interpretation or BITH 213: NT Literature and Interpretation prior to the program.


Students earn 16 credit hours during the program. Many courses are accepted for major or minor elective credit by the related academic department(s) and some fulfill CATC thematic core tags. Courses at Jerusalem University College are taught by noted Israeli and Palestinian professors who are experts in their fields. Students also take a three-credit integrative course taught by the Wheaton College professor in residence.

Students complete the following required courses:

Students choose three electives from the following anticipated courses:

Anticipated Major/Minor Elective Credits for Courses (beginning with the 2023-24 catalog*)

ANTH majors/minors may earn up to 6 elective credits. Physical Settings fulfills the archaeology requirement for the Anthropology major. Society and Politics in the Holy Land can be applied towards the Anthropology major with department permission. 

Physical Settings, Biblical Archaeology II, History of the Second Temple Period, or Cultural Backgrounds can count toward fulfilling the 6-hours of the elective block in the Archaeology major. Either Biblical Archaeology II or History of the Second Temple can count toward the core requirement curricular slot currently occupied by ARCH 345. Up to six hours can be drawn from Cultural Backgrounds, Hermeneutics of OT Texts, or The Parables of Jesus to count toward the interdisciplinary emphasis portion of the Archaeology major.

BITH majors/minors may earn up to 9 elective credits. Physical Settings of the Bible, Biblical Archeology II, History of the Second Temple, or Cultural Backgrounds count toward the archaeology requirement. 

IR/PSCI majors/minors may earn up to 6 elective credits by taking Society and Politics in the Holy Land, Jewish Thought and Practice, Islamic Thought and Practice, or Historical and Social Settings of Modern Israel. Those completing the PACS Certificate may apply any of the four courses toward the certificate.

Jewish Thought and Practice and Islamic Thought and Practice may be applied to the PPE Certificate as elective courses from the Philosophy discipline.

Philosophy majors/minors may earn 3 elective credits by taking Jewish Thought and Practice or Islamic Thought and Practice.

History of the Second Temple Period may be applied towards the History major/minor with department approval (pending approval).

*Students under a catalog year prior to the 2023-24 undergraduate catalog should use the above chart as a guide; for those students, some courses do not automatically count toward a major or minor. Students may seek approval through the departmental recommendation process (documentation should be on file prior to the start of the program).

Anticipated Semester Dates*  

January 8 –May 3, 2024 (*Program dates are tentative and contingent on sufficient enrollment)


Program costs are equivalent to a full-time on-campus semester at Wheaton (full tuition; double/triple dorm room; full board-18 AYCE meal plan) and cover program tuition, room and board, academic excursions, and transportation within the program (surface and air). This does not cover passport or visa fees (if more than the standard fee), airfare to/from from the program, vaccinations or pre-program medical tests, field study fees for some elective courses (see course descriptions above for courses with additional field study fees), textbooks, and other personal expenses.

A $500 non-refundable deposit is collected after acceptance to the program and applied toward the program tuition fee. Financial aid is available for the program on the same basis as that of an on-campus semester when CPOS requirements are met. 

Faculty Leader for Spring 2024

Dr. Timothy Taylor, Associate Professor of International Relations

Dr. Taylor at JUCI am thrilled to have the opportunity to share this semester study experience with students by serving as the faculty leader for Wheaton’s Semester in Jerusalem program in Spring 2024. I am a graduate of Taylor University, completed my PhD in 2016, and then joined the faculty at Wheaton College where I am currently an Associate Professor of International Relations. I have loved teaching a variety of classes in the International Relations major and the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE) certificate.

I will be joined by my wife, Kim, and our four children. After graduating from Taylor University, we lived and taught in the Philippines for two years. I also studied in the Middle East as an undergraduate student in the fall semester of my junior year. Having the opportunity to live in Cairo, Egypt and travel extensively across Israel, Syria, and Lebanon were transformative for my Christian faith, education, and what led to my career in International Relations. I cannot wait to join students on what will be a lifetime opportunity of transformation, growth, and friendship.

Please email using the contact information below if you have questions about the program and I would be delighted to schedule a time for us to meet. My wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed living near campus and forming meaningful relationships with Wheaton students. We look forward to being part of the Wheaton community in Jerusalem.

Learn More

If you have questions or would like to know more about the Semester in Jerusalem program, contact us at

How to Apply

To apply, visit GoGlobal, Wheaton College's registration system for off-campus study and international travel, research, and internships.

The application for the spring 2024 cohort is CLOSED