Faculty Grants and Awards

Wheaton seeks to nurture intercultural competency in faculty as well as students. Global Programs and Studies provides resources to help faculty and staff globalize the Wheaton experience for students while also enhancing their own cross-cultural capabilities.

Faculty may apply for grants focused on curriculum development, research or creative work in an international or cross-cultural setting, or take part in the the Arthur Vining Davis Intercultural Seminar. 

Purpose:  These grants provide funds to revise or create new courses or to develop library resources that will bring a substantial global or cross-cultural perspective to the curriculum or contribute in demonstrable ways to the development of inter-cultural competency. 

Criteria:  The proposed new course or library resources should either build and strengthen inter-cultural competence or provide a geographical or cultural perspective which is absent or under-represented in the current curriculum.  The preparation of course materials for participation in immersion experiences with students in cross-cultural settings, either internationally or in the United States, falls within the guidelines.  Courses that address topics of global significance and/or phenomena which have global impact will also be given consideration.  Higher funding priority will generally be given to proposals that have the promise of making substantive changes to courses or library resources. All proposals must outline the anticipated learning outcomes as well as the criteria and methods used to assess them.  The new or revised course should be offered no later than four semesters after receiving the grant.

Availability:  The awards are competitive and available up to a maximum of $4,000 per award.  A larger amount will be considered if monies remain after all selected proposals have been funded. Grant monies may be used to purchase or locate course-related materials, references, or equipment; to attend conferences, workshops, or other professional development opportunities directly relevant to the proposed course content or library resources; to design new course content or activities; to conduct research that will clearly contribute to the proposed project; or to pursue other activities consistent with the purposes of the grant. This grant may not be used as a stipend or for load reduction.

Eligibility:  Full-time teaching or library faculty.

Application: To apply for the grant, please complete the Globalization of the  Curriculum Grant Application online. 

Deadline: October 24, 2024 for the 2024-25 academic year. Applications will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the Global Programs and Studies Advisory Council.  Applicants will be informed of funding decisions by the end of January.

Global Curriculum Grants Awarded 2023-24

Faculty Course/Resources  
Baraka, Chae, Watson PCFT Diversity and Justice Resources LR
Beteta, Xavier MUTC: Intro to Music of Latin America CR
Graber, Katherine Acquisition of Dr. Samuel Escobar Papers LR
Holman, Sarah MUCS 322 English Cathedral Music and MUMS 321 Vocal Pedagogy CR
Patton, Kaye Participatory Art Practices: Paper, Print, and Precision NC
Sasser, Kim Zadie Smith/Magical Realist Literature and Film NC/CR
Wang, Rose CHIN 334: Chinese Cultures and Traditions CR
Total Amount Awarded: $14,550

Global Curriculum Grants Awarded 2022-23

Faculty Course/Resources  
Reynolds, Amy; Buster, Aubrey; Peeler, Amy; McGowin, Emily; Borden, Sarah Course Revision: BITH 211, BITH 213, BITH 374, PHIL 257 CR
Milliner, Matthew CORE 355 CR

Total Amount Awarded $11,042

Global Curriculum Grants Awarded 2021-22

Faculty Course/Resources  
Baraka, Mandy CMHC: Lifestyle and Career Development CR
Graber, Katherine Rene Padilla Papers Acquisition LR
Haskins, Alex PSCI: Caribbean Political Thought CR
Holman, Sarah MUCS 275/COMM 275 CR
Watson, Terri and Baraka, Mandy Multicultural & Trauma-informed Clinical Supervision NC

Total Amount Awarded $22,600

Global Curriculum Grants Awarded 2020-21

Faculty Course/Resources  
Beteta, Xavier MUTC 204: Music of Latin America NC
Cartegena, Nathan Race and Justice: A Global Perspective CR
Hill, Theon Comm 253: Messages, Influence, Culture CR
Lundin, Matt HIST 101: Exploring the Global Past: French and Haitian Revolutions CR
Vroom Fick, Sarah Elementary Curriculum Materials in Mandarin, Korean, and Spanish LR
Total Amount Awarded $13,540

Global Curriculum Grants Awarded 2019-20

Faculty Course/Resources  
Howell, Brian IDI Assessment Training  CR
Jeske, Christine  IDI Assessment Training  CR
Martin, Dyanne  Caribbean Literature Course Development  NC
Total Amount Awarded $11,280   

CR = Course Revision    LR = Library Resources    NC = New Course

Purpose:  The Faculty Global Research Grant Program is one of Global Programs and Studies initiatives to further global engagement by Wheaton College faculty. These awards may be used to engage in research or creative work in an international or cross-cultural setting that deepens campus awareness of or contribution to the global community. They may serve either as grants to fund a project in its entirety or as seed grants that may lead to more extensive work or to an application for additional resources from outside the college. This grant program does not fund service projects. Proposals for collaborative projects with colleagues or partners in international or cross-cultural contexts will receive prioritization for funding. Inclusion of students in the work of the project is encouraged but not required.  Generally, the research grant is not to be used to fund a supervisory role in student or other third-party research—the grant funds are for projects/research led or conducted by faculty. Individuals at all levels of international or cross-cultural experience may apply.  The Executive Director of Global Programs and Studies is available as a resource to assist grantees in preparation for working in these contexts.  Awardees must submit a report of their work to the Executive Director of Global Programs and Studies upon completion of the project. 

Availability:  Awards are competitive, available up to a maximum of $5,000 per award.  A larger amount will be considered if monies remain after all selected proposals have been funded. The grants may be used to fund expenses related to the project including travel, food and lodging, equipment, materials, or other items and services necessary for its completion.   These funds may be combined with other grants from the college or other resources.   Grant monies may not be used for load reduction or a stipend. 

Eligibility:  All full-time teaching and library undergraduate and graduate faculty who will be returning for the academic year subsequent to the one in which the award is granted are eligible to apply.

Application:  Please use this link to access the application. Faculty applicants should include their plans to share their activities and learning with the campus community in their application; creativity in reaching multiple campus sectors is encouraged.  

Deadline: October 3, 2024.  Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the Global Programs and Studies Advisory Council.  Applicants will be informed of funding decisions by December 19.

Faculty Global Research Grants Awarded 2023-24

Faculty Project
Liu, Charles Cultural Beliefs About Mental Illness, Stigma, and Help-seeking in Urban and Rural Thailand
Martin, Dyanne Antisemitism, Racism, and the Christian Role in Addressing Past Traumas
Okpebholo, Shawn Songs in Flight: An Album of Songs Inspired by “Freedom on the Move”
Total Amount Awarded: $13,720


Faculty Global Research Grants Awarded 2022-23

Faculty Project Title
Gates, Stephanie Lorca and Neruda in Buenos Aires: Surrealism, Exile, and the Lettered City
Karianjahi, Muhia Christian Camping in the Global South: Models from India
Liu, Charles Fulbright Seed Funding: Cultural Beliefs about Mental Health in Thailand
Park, Joonhee The Right to Forget and the Duty to Remember
Total Amount Awarded: $13,321

Faculty Global Research Grants Awarded 2021-22

Faculty Project Title
Altino, Soh-Hyun Performing Sanjo on the Violin: Globalizing Traditional Korean Music
Klingler, Timothy Developing/Expanding MCL/HNGR/GPS/Aequitas Programs in Mexico/Latin/South America
McNutt, Jennifer Exploring How French Bibles were Shaped by and for Early Refugee Crisis up until the Edict of Toleration
Botts, Jeremy; Patton, Kaye; Till-Campbell, Sheldon Returning the Favor of Presence as Participating Artists: Oaxaca x Wheaton
Total Amount Awarded: $19,155

Faculty Global Research Grants Awarded 2020-21

Faculty Project
Kathryn Alexander  Middle Eastern Soft Power and the Politics of Islamic Practice in Italy
Carlos Sosa Latin America and Latino and Latina New Testament Hermeneutics
Total Amount Awarded: $11,500

Faculty Global Research Grants Awarded 2019-20

Faculty Project Title
Diedrichs, Danielo Book on History, Culture, and Current Practice of Upper Level Mathematics
Kim, Il-Hee Development of Critical Thinking Skills in South Korea
Lundin, Cherith Exploring processes of making and knowing from Oaxaca to Chicago
Peeler, Amy Impacts of Incarnation
Reynolds, Amy Addressing Gender Inequalities in International Development Organizations
Sosa, Carlos Latin America and Latino and Latina New Testament Hermeneutics
Tooley, Christa  Production and Creation: exploring processes of making and knowing from Oaxaca to Chicago 
Total Amount Awarded: $15,000