Raymond Lewis

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Raymond Lewis, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology


Dr. Lewis completed his doctorate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he explored the genetics and physiology of the large marine brown algae known as kelp. After postdoctoral appointments at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution and the University of Nebraska, he came to Wheaton College in 1996. In his laboratory research, he collaborates with students to further investigate the physiology of growth and reproduction in various species of brown algae. His teaching focuses on botany, environmental issues, and evolution.


University of California, Santa Barbara
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 1991

University of British Columbia
M.Sc., Botany, 1982

University of California, Berkely
B.A. (Highest Honors), Biological Sciences, 1979

Professional Affiliations

  • American Scientific Affiliation: Fellow
  • Phycological Society of America: member
  • International Phycological Society: member
  • Japanese Phycological Society: member



* indicates Wheaton students

“Comparing Oogenesis in Two Ecomorphs of the Giant Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in Response to Iron Nutrition” *Schaafsma, J. and Lewis, R. 2018. Annual meeting of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Millikin University, Decatur, IL

“The Sciences and Christian Formation: Helping Today’s Students Find Deeper Faith in a Science-Dominated World” Haarsma, D., Greuel, B., and Lewis, R. 2018. Panel presentation at the 2018 International Forum of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Grapevine, TX

“Effects of Climate Change on Crop Choices in Colombia”
*Blom, A.K., Salas E., Hall, L. and Lewis, R.J. 2017. 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Golden, CO

“The Promise of Theocentric Environmental Ethics” 2017. 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Golden, CO

“Teaching the Science of Origins in the Context of a Robust Doctrine of Creation”
Raymond Lewis, Stephen Moshier, Larry Funck, Robert Bishop, and John Walton. 2015.
BioLogos Conference on Evolution and Christian Faith, Grand Rapids, MI

“A College-Level Textbook: Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins (with Biblical and Theological Perspectives)” Stephen Moshier, Larry Funck, Robert Bishop, Raymond Lewis, and John Walton. 2015. Poster, BioLogos Conference on Evolution and Christian Faith, Grand Rapids, MI

"Detecting Salinity Ecotypes in Gametogenesis in the Kelp Alaria marginata"
Lewis, R.J., *Jo, J., *Lee, J.J., and *Kohlhepp, T.J. 2013. 10th International Phycological Congress, Orlando, FL.

A Model of Science Higher Education as Christian Service in China
2012. 67th Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, San Diego, CA

Evolutionary Theory: Implications for Science and Christian Belief
Introductory Session at 2012 Wheaton College Science Symposium, Wheaton, IL



Courses Taught

  • BIOL 242 Diversity of Life: an introduction to Zoology and Botany
  • BIOL 252 Introduction to Biological Research
  • BIOL 312 Contemporary Environmental Issues
  • BIOL 341 Plant Physiology
  • BIOL 344 Economic Botany
  • BIOL 494 The Integrated Biologist (Senior Capstone)
  • SCI 311 Theories of Origins

Select Publications

Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins: Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective, InterVarsity Press. Bishop, R.C., Funck, L., Lewis, R.J., Moshier, S.O., and Walton, J.H., 201

The Sciences and Christian Formation: Helping Today’s Students Find Deeper Faith in a Science-Dominated World
Haarsma, D., Greuel, B. and Lewis, R. Christian Higher Education (in press)

Low-tech waste stabilization ponds in the service of the global poor: The W.A.S.T.E. program, Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future: Geological Society of America Special Paper
Wallett, K.N., Greenberg, J.G., Kvasnicka, J., Pickens, B., Jackson, M., Gamble, C., Keil, C.B., Clark, J.A. and Lewis, R.J., 2016

Small-scale waste-stabilisation ponds for rural communities: An undergraduate experimental venture, Waterlines
Greenberg, J.G., Wallett, K.N., Gamble, C., Keil, C.B., Pickens, B., Edgren, D.C., Lewis, R.J., and Clark, J.A., 2015

Effects of chelated iron on gametogenesis and vegetative growth of kelp gametophytes (Phaeophyceae), Phycological Research
Lewis, R.J., Green, M.K., Afzal, M.E., 2013

Estimates of nuclear DNA content in 98 species of brown algae (Phaeophyta), AoB PLANTS
Phillips, N., Kapraun, D.F., Gómez Garreta, A., Ribera Siguan, M.A., Rull, J.L., Salvador Soler, N., Lewis, R., Kawai, H., 2011