My primary interest is the study of the New Testament in its ancient Jewish context with sensitivity for the literary and theological dimensions of the Greek text. My overall concern is allowing the biblical texts to shape my teaching, thinking, service, and ethics. I specialize on Johannine literature and the appropriation of Old Testament and Jewish traditions in the New Testament. Having taught for almost a decade in Guatemala, I am currently researching the use of the New Testament in Latin American theology. I love to spend time with my wife, Gabby (a musician), and our two active children.
University of Edinburgh
Ph.D., 2014
Courses Taught
- BITH 646 Greek Exegesis
- BITH 555 Exploring the New Testament
- BITH 546 New Testament Book Study
- BITH 457 The Gospel of John
- BITH 353 Reading the New Testament Latinamente
- BITH 352 New Testament in the Mediterranean World
- BITH 351 Jesus of Nazareth
- BITH 213 New Testament Literature and Interpretation
Areas of Expertise
- Gospels
- Christian Origins
- Second Temple Jewish Literature
- Latin American Readings of the New Testament
- Gospels
- Acts
- Christian Origins
- Second Temple Jewish Literature
- Latin American Theology
- Reading Scripture Latinamente
Professional Affiliations
- Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas
- Society of Biblical Literature (US)
- British New Testament Society (UK)
- Professional Society for the Humanities (Guatemala)
- Hispanic Theological Initiative (US)
- Savior of the World: A Theology of the Universal Gospel. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2019
- Creation Imagery in the Gospel of John. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015, 2018
- Exégesis bíblica: Métodos y modelos. Buenos Aires: Asociación Bíblica Argentina, 2019
- La condición divina de Jesús: Cristología y creación en el Evangelio de Juan. Salamanca: Sígueme, 2016
Select Publications
"Jesus, Power, and the Global Poor." In The New Cambridge Companion to Jesus. Edited by Markus Bockmuehl. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025. With Aruthuckal Varughese John.
"Foreword". In Resurreción: Esperanza de la creación en la misión de la iglesia. By Federico Meléndez. Barcelona, España: Editorial Clie, 2025.
"Latin Readings of the Role of the Spirit in the Book of Acts." In Theological Interpretation of Scripture as Spiritual Formation. Edited by Ryan E. Brandt and John Frederick. Biblical Interpretation Series 206. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
"Reading the Gospel of John Theologically." Journal of Anglican Studies 21 (2023): 185-189.
"Interpretation: Reading Paul Latinamente." In Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship. Edited by Scot McKnight, Lynn H. Cohick, and Nijay K. Gupta. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2023.
"El Evangelio de Juan en Latinoamérica y el mundo latino en los EE. UU.: Análisis bibliográfico." Kairós 72-73 (2023): 167-203.
"Reading the Resurrection of Jesus with Latino Eyes." Bulletin for Biblical Research 32.3 (2022): 299-303.
"Nazarenes: New Testament." In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Edited by Constance M. Furey, Joel Marcus LeMon, Brian Matz, Thomas Chr. Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish and Eric Ziolkowski. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.
"The Use of the New Testament in Latin American Ecclesiologies: Critique and Dialogue between the Proposals of Leonardo Boff and René Padilla." Journal of Latin American Theology 16 (2021): 19-64.
"Scripture's Impact on Bartolomé de las Casas' Theology: Lessons for the Interpretation of Key Johannine Themes." Revista Bíblica 82 (2020): 419-436.
"Ecclesiology in Latin America: A Biblical Perspective." The Church from Every Tribe and Tongue: Ecclesiology in the Majority World. Edited by Gene L. Green, Stephen T. Pardue and K. K. Yeo. Carlisle: Langham, 2018. Reprinted: Majority World Theology: Christian Doctrine in Global Context. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2020.
"A Threefold Testimony to Jesus’ Universal Significance in the Gospel of John." El Evangelio de Juan: Origen, contenido y perspectivas. Edited by Bernardo Estrada and Luis Guillermo Sarasa. Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018.
"Preguntas críticas al texto de 1 Tesalonicenses." Lecturas bíblicas desde América Latina: Homenaje a Gary R. Williams. Edited by Carlos Sosa Siliezar and M. Daniel Carroll R. Guatemala: Kairós, 2016.
"Tres rostros de Dios en el Cuarto Evangelio." Gregorianum 94 (2013): 727-737.
"La creación en el Evangelio de Juan: Una revisión bibliográfica de autores anglófonos." Scripta Theologica 45 (2013): 445-463.
"Análisis literario y exegético de Gálatas 5:1-6." DavarLogos 11 (2012): 57-79.
"La salvación de Dios según las cartas de Pedro." Teología y Cultura 11 (2009): 45-54.
"La teología de la gracia en el pensamiento de Karl Rahner." Cuadernos de Teología 27 (2008): 137-155.
"Pureza e impureza en la narrativa de Pedro, Cornelio y el Espíritu Santo en Hechos 10." Kairós 41 (2007): 55-78.
Ecclesiastical Articles
“And Finally…” Expository Times 127.11 (2016).
“Las encrucijadas del trabajo teológico.” Signos de Vida 61 (2012).
“Las misiones y la creación: ¿Estamos hablando de lo mismo?” Etnos 2 (2009).
Resurrection, Creation, and Church Mission
Universidad Mariano Gálvez, Guatemala City and Quetzaltenango, Guatemala (2025)
Sanctification and Social Contex: Reading Acts from Latin American and Latina/o Perspectives
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Vienna, Austria (2023)
Reading the Gospel of John Theologically
Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, Colorado (2022)
The Characterization of the Spirit in Acts: Readings from Latin Contexts
Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, Texas (2021)
Moral Formation in Multicultural Settings: A Theological Reading of Acts
Trinity College Queensland, Ecclesia and Ethics Conference, Australia (2019)
The Mission of the Church according to the Gospel of John
Concordia Seminary, Center for Hispanic Studies 14th Annual Lecture, St Louis, Missouri (2019)
Bartolomé de las Casas as Reader of Scripture
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Latin America Committee, Santiago, Chile (2018)
Acts, the Spirit, and Latin American Hermeneutics
Evangelical Theological Society, Denver, Colorado (2018)
Christology and Ecclesiology in the Gospel of John
National Hispanic Lutheran Convention, Houston, Texas (2018)
The Universal Significance of Jesus in the Gospel of John
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Montreal, Canada (2016)
Ecclesiology in Latin America: A Biblical Perspective
Institute for Biblical Research, San Antonio, Texas (2016)