
French Major

For complete information on courses please reference the college catalog.

Otherwise, please visit the Academic Advising page and find the French MAP for an easy-to-read summary of how to achieve this major.

Requires 32 hours of courses numbered 300 or above including the following:

Core Courses
Course Name Hours
331 French Conversation 4
333 Global French: Introduction to Francophone World 4
Francophone Literature (offered odd years in the fall)

Adolescence & Early Adulthood in Modern French Literature

494 Senior Seminar
(Prerequisites: FREN 331, 333, 347/348, study abroad)
321 Linguistic Science
(Ling 321 offered Spring semester, B Quad)
OR 371 Methods of Teaching a Foreign Language
(FREN 371 offered in fall; Required for secondary education candidates)
Wheaton in Francophone Country
(or approved semester abroad, with equivalent classes) 
335  Francophone Civilization and Culture
(Offered in Francophone countries only)
338 Advanced French in Francophone Country
(Offered in Francophone countries only)
489 Topics in France
(Offered in France only)
Elective in French
431 Advanced Conversation
(Offered alternate years)
432 Advanced Grammar and Stylistics
(Offered alternate years)
439 Topics in French Language and Literature
(Varied subjects including genre and movement studies, culture, and advanced language. May be repeated for credit)
2 or 4
495 Independent Study 2-4 

Note Bene: Majors must take 8 hours of literature, at least 4 of which must be selected from 347 or 348. Thus a student could fulfill the 8-hour literature requirement by taking 347 and 348, or 347 and two 2-hour lit. courses, or 348 and two 2-hour lit. courses. French Film counts as a literature course. Both 347 and 348 are strongly recommended for students planning to pursue graduate study in French.

French Minor

Requirements: 20 hours of French beyond intermediate level including FREN 331, 333 and 12 additional hours to be selected in consultation with department advisor. FREN 347 or 348 are strongly recommended, as is the the Wheaton in Francophone Country program. Other courses, which may include a study abroad program in the target language, should be selected in consultation with a French faculty advisor.