Indispensable Weakness
By Katherine AndersonWheaton Center for Faith and Disability has pioneered a new model of church engagement called Faith and Disability Convocations. Read about our initial efforts and how your church can take part.
Welcoming People with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families: A Practical Guide for Congregations
This guide was written to equip congregations with ideas and practical steps to strengthen the invitation, supports, and hospitality offered to people with disabilities and their families. Read the guide.
Scholarly articles
We've compiled articles from leading thinkers that contribute theological reflection and research at the intersection of faith and disability. Read the articles.
Video Resources
A presentation by Dr. Erik Carter from Vanderbilt University, delivered at Wheaton College on March 14, 2018.
Download the Lecture Handout (PDF)
A presentation by Dr. Grant Macaskill, Kirby Laing Chair of New Testament Exegesis at the University of Aberdeen, delivered at Wheaton College.
Ask yourself: what “special needs” does a person with Down syndrome really have? Check out this video to discover a new perspective.
See how Faith Church's Reflectors Ministry in Northwest Indiana is giving voice to all of its members. Use these brief videos as part of your own worship service.
Carried to the Table
Reading of Psalm 139
The Apostle's Creed
The Lord's Prayer
The "I Am" Confessions
In March 2019, Dalton Thomas (Frontier Alliance International) addressed 20 leading scholars and practitioners at the groundbreaking Wheaton College Faith & Disability Symposium. A pioneer in frontier mission work, Dalton speaks directly to how following God’s call to embrace people with disability has unique power to open doors and provoke disciple-making movements. This 5-minute video reflects God’s heart to awaken His Bride to intentionally reach out to the margins of society and build authentic, transforming Kingdom-community.
A collection of video resources regarding how a church can support the disability community is available on the Joni & Friends website.
These resources are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval by the Wheaton Center for Faith and Disability or Wheaton College. While we seek to disseminate helpful resources for those working at the intersection of faith and disability, the Wheaton Center for Faith and Disability bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of subsequent videos, downloadable materials, or links to external sites. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Disability Foundations
Theology of Disability |
Dimensions of Belonging |
Stages of Attitudes |