Explore Christian Summer Camp Programs at HoneyRock
Tap on the photo to learn more about each program.

Download Information Packets for Camper Programs
Review and download information packets for each camp program at HoneyRock.
Family Day at HoneyRock
Learn more about and register* for Family Day! Happening on departure day, this is an opportunity for parents, siblings, and other loved ones of campers to experience HoneyRock!
Registration is required for HoneyRock Family Days.

Write Your Camper a Note, View Photos
Did you know you can write your camper a note and view photos of their time at HoneyRock?
- Bunk Notes is a one-way communication tool that allows parents to write emails to their campers that are sent to HoneyRock, printed, and delivered to your camper within 24-36 hours. It is an additional purchase and requires an additional registration step.
- Bunk1 also features a photos option to view photos that HoneyRock posts 2-3 times per week to a shared gallery. All parents van view these photos for free! Photo updates on Bunk1 are posted 2-3 times per week of each camper program.
Wilderness Experiences for Campers
At HoneyRock, we love what simple, unstructured time around a campfire can do for our campers. They play, they connect with their cabin mates and leaders, and they enjoy the wonder and awe of God's creation. Moonlights are the wilderness experiences our youngest campers have at HoneyRock.

Tips & Tools for Returning Home Guide
Returning home from camp is a crucial and special time for your camper(s) and you/your family. Helping your camper reflect on their experience at HoneyRock is vital to their transition into life at home after camp. To help parents and guardians come alongside their camper as they transition from life at HoneyRock to life at home, we’ve collected some helpful info from each camper program to serve you as a starting point! These free downloadable guides are intended to help you feel equipped to ask questions and learn more about the growth, learning, and fun during your child’s time at HoneyRock.
Dig Into Summer Camp Details
Tap the photos below for more information.
Make a trip up north this winter with your family and friends for an all-inclusive retreat at HoneyRock! If you gather the people, we'll do everything else. You'll have time to enjoy HoneyRock's winter activities, share family-style meals, and spend quality time with those you love most. With you as the guide, we'll put together a relaxed schedule that the whole family will love.
Photo Tour of HoneyRock
Tap the photos to tour HoneyRock!
Reflections on Five Campers' Experiences at HoneyRock
"To be in nature, in God’s creation interacting with new things lets you engage God’s world with more of your personhood. It just creates more confidence."

Summer Camp at HoneyRock
Summer at HoneyRock is an invitation to our campers, an invitation to step into a change of pace, rest from the distractions and pressures of everyday life. Summer Camp at HoneyRock gives campers the space to ask big questions, learn how to navigate life away from home, and see God at work in new ways.
Tap the buttons to explore more about HoneyRock's summer camp programs or get registered for summer camp at HoneyRock
Lose something of yours at HoneyRock? We're here to help! Fill out our Lost and Found form, and we'll do what we can to reunite you with your belongings.
Contact Us
HoneyRock Center for Leadership Development
8660 Honey Rock Rd.
Three Lakes, WI 54562
honey.rock@wheaton.edu - Instagram Facebook