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Logo for use on campaign layout for marketing

HoneyRock Center for Leadership Development

Introducing the New Name and Logo

"Ultimately, my hope for the brand refresh is that it awakens people to the historic mission of HoneyRock—to facilitate the development of whole and effective youth, emerging adults, and ministry professionals to build Christ's church worldwide." —Rob Ribbe, Executive Director

Read the News Release

A Place Set Apart

HoneyRock invites all people to encounter God through his creation, through all He has created, both people and the natural world. This environment makes space for catalytic moments—transformational encounters—that lead us into deeper relationship with God and others.

An Unparalleled Journey

On this journey you can expect to live, lead, work, serve, adventure, and worship together as an educational community centered around Jesus...the shared experiences in this community challenge and teach us while extending an invitation to a story bigger than our own—to follow Jesus, be transformed by Jesus, and to influence others for Jesus.

To Become Called and Commissioned

Your HoneyRock experience will prepare you to realize God’s callings in your life and cultivate the talents you can offer in His name. You will leave equipped and empowered—commissioned—to live for Christ and His kingdom.

two students canoeing at honeyrock
The Refreshed Brand

A brand isn't just a logo or look. A brand is the sum total of people's impressions and experiences—all that they think and feel when they interact with HoneyRock. We capture and share these perceptions and experiences through a process called branding. Through this process, we hope we can

  • Articulate clearly what we are, what we value, and what we offer the world;
  • Reflect both our reality and its aspirations;
  • Make an emotional connection with specific audiences;
  • Unify people behind the idea of HoneyRock; and
  • Inspire people to action.
Chrouser Center at HoneyRock
The New Name

Founded as a "leadership laboratory" by Harve Chrouser, HoneyRock has always been a place set apart to develop leadership capacity in the emerging generation. Our name, "HoneyRock, Center for Leadership Development" honors both our founding and our status as a center of Wheaton College. As a center, HoneyRock

  • attracts top scholars and thought leaders (or partners);
  • invests in outreach and service to the world in our areas of expertise;
  • provides necessary research, resources, and advocacy in the areas of scholarship, spiritual development and evangelism, and practical assistance; and
  • Deepens the Wheaton educational experience by providing tangible enhancements beyond the classroom.
HoneyRock bridge
The New HoneyRock Logo

When asked about the meaning behind the logo, Executive Director Rob Ribbe shared, “The view of the beloved HoneyRock bridge, pointing towards the sun, represents the movement of growth and development towards being called, commissioned, and sent."

  • Inspired by the blade of a canoe paddle, the shape nods to a core component of the HoneyRock experience—experiencing God's creation both in the natural world and through deep relationship with the people we do life alongside.
  • As a symbol of connection and movement forward, our beloved bridge leads to Cathedral Pines, a place of rest and worship.
  • Brought forward from our previous logo, this sun represents a bright hope in our future and Jesus Christ.

When we shared the logo with our team, it inspired many to share their own memories and stories. We hope you can personalize this logo to represent a meaningful part of your HoneyRock experience, too!

leader teaches camper to tie a knot

Leadership Development for Campers, Students, and Professionals

HoneyRock will serve 1,000 campers this summer. Leading these programs are undergraduate and graduate students, under the direction of our expert staff and faculty.

In the past six years, HoneyRock has launched the M.A. in Outdoor and Adventure Leadership and a second M.A. in Global Leadership - Outdoor Ministry track as well as its Vanguard Gap Year program. These additions build on HoneyRock’s programs for undergraduate college students including the three-month School of Adventure Leadership training (SALT), the Summer Leadership School (SLS), and an undergraduate Leadership Certificate of Wheaton College. 

Explore HoneyRock's Programs