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Student Opportunities

The following list represents opportunities for students provided by The Wheaton Center for Faith, Politics & Economics provides several opportunities for students to enhance their academic experience at Wheaton College. See below for an overview, or click on the navigation tabs to explore each in further detail.

FPE Internship Scholarships - Use the Common Application

  • Financial awards given towards B/EC or Pol/IR internships
  • $3,000 for non-credit internships and $3,500 for internships done for credit
  • Students chosen through application process
  • Applications Due:  TBD for Summer 2025 (check for updates in early 2025)
  • Internship must fit with the  FPE Mission

FPE Scholars - No Topics Currently Proposed (check back for updates)

  • Financial awards given towards student summer research projects
  • Students chosen through application process
  • Internship must fit with the FPE Mission

Data Driven Debates - 2025 

  • Topic: TBD
    • Stay tuned for information on the topic for the 2025 debates.

FPE Abroad International Study Program: 2025 

  • FPE's International Study Program will travel to Western Europe in the summer 2025 for the first time since the 1990's. It will explore the changing relationship between the United States and Europe, as well as the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. 

    Dates for the 8-credit hour program and trip are tentatively May 12-July 5. Coursework will begin on campus for two weeks, followed by two weeks in Switzerland. Students will then embark on four weeks of academic meetings (e.g. NATO,  embassies, etc.) and cultural visits like the Louvre, Berlin Wall, Versailles and Normandy.  Exact locations and details are in the works, but countries will include Netherlands, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.  Faculty include former 3 Wheaton professors, American intelligence leaders, a retired Army general officer and a former White House Fellow. 

    Stay tuned for more information about this exciting and transformative trip!

If you have questions about these opportunities please contact the FPE office, at 630.752.5975.