Are you, your small group, or your church looking for resources to help think through immigrant and refugee issues carefully, compassionately, and biblically?
We have partnered with InterVarsity Press to create a six-session video curriculum to be used alongside Kent Annan's new book, You Welcomed Me: Loving Refugees and Immigrants Because God First Loved Us. This curriculum is meant to be used in small group, discussion-based settings to help bring together Christians of differing political opinions to seek faithful, compassionate, and wise ways forward in this national and global crisis.
Get the Family Toolkit
We have also created a FREE You Welcomed Me Family Toolkit to help you and your kids enter into rich conversations and into the practices of welcome with curiosity, joy, humility, and confidence.

Save money when buying multiple copies for your small group. For bulk discounts of the book, see this Special Offer from InterVarsity Press.
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