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HNGR Certificate Program

HNGR Holcomb Women's Conference

About the Program

Human Needs and Global Resources (HNGR) is an academic certificate program that integrates multidisciplinary coursework, a six-month internship, and whole-person formation through experiential learning. Students live, work, worship, and serve with local communities worldwide, while accompanying host partner organizations that confront poverty, challenge inequity, transform conflict, pursue justice, and seek fullness of life. The program cultivates a life-orienting commitment to justice, intercultural humility, compassion, hospitality, environmental health, and peacemaking, as actively reflected in lifestyle and vocation.

HNGR student with local villagers

What do HNGR Interns Do?

Get Immersed in Local Life

The six-month internship is a season of deeply immersive, experiential learning, that involves the intern in all areas of local life. Students work under the direct supervision of their host organizations and learn to navigate work life with professional colleagues. During their field study, interns may also study a language through any combination of formal in-country language school, in-country university language study, and formal or informal tutoring. 

Live with Local Hosts

Most students also have the opportunity to live with local hosts where they have the chance to engage in everyday household life. A homestay experience is considered one of the core aspects of the internship, and provides students with rich opportunities for learning language and culture. In some locations, it is not practical to have students in homestays; in such cases, interns live in rooming houses or other situations which provide meaningful experiences of intercultural learning. Students are also welcomed into a local church community where they join in bible studies, worship, prayer, and discipleship.  

Conduct Original Research

Finally, each student spends a significant amount of time conducting an original research or creative project within their major in order to complete their Independent Study Project (ISP). Often these projects are of great practical value to the students’ host organizations!  

Connect with HNGR Faculty and Staff

During the course of the six-month internship, HNGR Program staff provides additional supervisory support and are in regular contact with students. In addition, a faculty or staff member of Wheaton College visits the student at the internship site during their internship for mentoring and academic advising.

HNGR internship Bovell and Muteyan working in office

Life on Internship

The HNGR Program has sent over 850 students to more than 70 countries with 330+ host organizations. HNGR's organizational partners consist primarily of small- and medium-scale organizations founded and managed by local leaders with the support of international and domestic resources. Nearly all of these organizations are faith-based entities guided by diverse Christian traditions and are committed to facilitating holistic, sustainable change in their communities. 

HNGR program staff aim to place interns with community-based initiatives that have grown around a local vision and have indigenous leadership. Ideally, all HNGR interns work, serve, and study under the supervision of local leaders and professionals who have dedicated their lives and professions to seeing God’s kingdom come in their contexts. 


HNGR Camillone Quilotoaview

Where Do HNGR Interns Go?

Interns are placed through an intentional, discernment process that seeks to integrate the student’s particular interests and the resources and opportunities provided by host organizations. The placement process begins during the fall semester of the junior year and concludes sometime around mid-late spring semester. Over HNGR's history, the Program has placed interns in the countries listed below. This is a historical list; for security and other reasons, the HNGR Program does not currently send students to all the countries shown.

South and Southeast Asia

Bangladesh | Cambodia | China | India | Indonesia | Malaysia | Nepal | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Philippines | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Timor-Leste


Benin | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Central African Republic | Cote d’Ivoire | DR Congo | Eswatini | Ethiopia | Ghana | Kenya | Liberia | Madagascar | Malawi | Mali | Mozambique | Niger | Nigeria | Rwanda | Senegal | Sierra Leone | South Africa | Tanzania | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe

South America 

Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Ecuador | Peru | Uruguay | Venezuela

North/Central America

Canada | Costa Rica | El Salvador | Guatemala | Honduras | Mexico | Nicaragua | United States


Dominican Republic | Haiti | Jamaica

North Africa/Middle East

Egypt | Jordan | Morocco | Israel-Palestine | Saudi Arabia | Syria

Eastern Europe/Central Asia

Albania | Azerbaijan | Bulgaria | Cyprus | Kosovo | Moldova | Romania | Russia | Tajikistan | Turkey

HNGR Certificate Timeline

HNGR Tuition and Funding

HNGR students pay for tuition and living expenses during the internship. Because of the reduced course load and lower cost of living in their host communities, some interns find that their six-month internship costs less than a typical semester on campus.

HNGR students on a hilltop

Financial Aid

All HNGR students are eligible for financial aid. Grants, scholarships, and loans that would normally apply to a Wheaton semester also apply to the six-month internship. In addition, HNGR interns are also eligible for generous need-based and merit scholarships for the period of the internship. Finally, the HNGR Program offers a language study grant to qualified students for intensive language courses prior to the start of their internships.

HNGR Student with Dr. Amy Peeler under colorful canopy

Planning Your Budget

HNGR staff will help you estimate a proposed internship budget. Your main expenses will include:

  • PREPARATORY EXPENSES: Passport, visas, medical check-up, immunizations, books, and other expenses.
  • TUITION FEES: HNGR interns pay Wheaton tuition costs for the courses they are enrolled in on internship. Fees are determined by the number of credit hours taken during the internship (minimum of 10, maximum of 18).
  • TRAVEL EXPENSES: Airfare and transportation costs vary by location of the internship. 
  • FIELD EXPENSES: Includes lodging, meals, research, and other expenses while on the internship

Preparatory Courses (16 Hours Required)

For full descriptions, please visit:

  • Poverty Justice, and Transformation (HNGR 114)
  • Culture and Difference (ANTH 353)
  • Your Choice of an Elective:
    • Social Change in the Americas (SOC 385)
    • Development Economics (ECON 365)
    • Politics of Global Development (IR 315)
    • New Voices in Old Testament Studies (BITH 449)
    • Latin American Colonial Literature (SPAN 343)
    • Modern Latin American Literature (SPAN 344)
    • Global Health (BIOL 318)
    • Nature, Environment, and Society (ENVR 315/ CORE 325)
    • Other 300 Level or above (4 credit courses may qualify by special permission of the HNGR Director)
  • Field Research Methods and Intercultural Orientation (HNGR 385/ANTH 385)
  • Language Study:  Interns are expected to attain conversational proficiency pre-departure for any languages offered on campus (e.g. SPAN 331, FREN 331, MAND 331). For languages not offered at Wheaton, you will arrange to study local language before and during your internship through online resources or books, intensive language program, and/ or a tutor throughout your internship. 

Co-Curricular Components

  • HNGR Small Groups: A significant part of the HNGR cohort experience is regular participation in a HNGR small group. HNGR small groups are one of the main ways to develop meaningful cohort relationships through biweekly gatherings with HNGR faculty, staff, and alumni.
  • HNGR Retreats: Retreats during the junior year and interns’ final semester at Wheaton, are an essential part of HNGR cohort learning. Retreats during the junior year build cohort relationships and discerning internship expectations. Post-internship retreat welcomes the cohort back to campus for a time of sharing stories, debriefing, and preparing for your final semester at Wheaton.

Internship Courses (10-16 Hours Required)

The internship normally occurs during the six months (summer plus fall semester) following the third year.

  • Global Christian Perspective (HNGR 481/484)
  • Internship in Development (HNGR 491/496)
  • An essential element of internship learning is the Independent Study Project (ISP). Interns work in conjunction with HNGR faculty and staff, a professor in their major field of study, and the internship host to determine possible independent study topics which will be of mutual benefit to the intern and to the host. 
  • Independent Study (2-4 hours)

Post-Internship Course and Activities (required after internship)

  • HNGR 494 Capstone Integration Seminar (2 hours)
  • HNGR Chapel
  • Independent Study Poster Display

Is HNGR for you? How to Apply for the HNGR Certificate

The HNGR certificate is designed to enhance and contribute to all majors at Wheaton College. All majors are welcome to participate in the HNGR program. Any first- or second-year student is encouraged to visit the HNGR office and speak with their faculty advisor to learn more about the program. Interested students officially apply to the certificate program in the fall semester of their second year. Consult with your academic advisor and HNGR staff to plan how HNGR can fulfill and integrate with your academic requirements.

Application Steps


Health, Safety, and Travel

The Human Needs and Global Resources (HNGR) program has an array of Program elements and specific faculty/staff roles that serve to prepare and support students for a healthy and safe experience before, during, and after their internships.



Have questions or need more information? Contact the HNGR office. We're happy to help!